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The big double-spread is done 😭 and with that, we are about 2/3 of the way through, but things are just heating up and there are more surprises to come. 

Thank-you so much for your support, I cherish you all and pray that you are staying safe, healthy, and in good spirits. High-Res files on the way, but for now... sleeeeep 




Did she land perfectly on his dick?


Lol call back to page 1!


A perfect dicking! Can't wait to see how the next third of the chapter goes.


Now THAT'S a hole-in-one!


Didn't see that coming. But he will.


That is one hell of a way to -stick it-! Erotibot, man... I love your brain and your hands haha to be able to create such awesomeness. This entire page is filled with action. The pageflow... chef's kiss. I like how, looking at the arc of it, it could flow like she jumped straight onto him, At the same time, the extra panels with the gradual shift in size gives more context. Keep it up, man. This. This is the stuff, for real.


Marvin won't be getting any rest anytime soon! XD Here's hoping you do tho! ;W;9


Ah, yeah.. I guess there was an opportunity in there to lead the eye from the arc to the crash, but I still needed her to pass through the flag, and have the other two move move out of the way. Also - you may have noticed the return of one *conspicuously* placed item. That's for a reason... ehehehehehee


Fantastic (2-page) spread!!


Glorious. Also, ouch!


That's either really gonna hurt or is the most extreme penetration ever. Or both.


Bruh I’m dead i wasn’t even expecting the obvious lol I legit thought she would’ve drop kicked his ass. COMING IN HOT!!!


i liek erotibot plot building, caught me off guard on this one. plz keep it up and dont get woke. stay original!