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Hey all. Figured I'd break the silence to give you guys a brief update on my situation. Since arriving in Washington state I have been living with my family out in the country side (more or less). Shortly after, I secured a part time job in the city so I would be ready to meet my expenses once we move out. Between working and looking for a place to live, I have been in the car driving back and forth almost non-stop (can't believe I put almost 4,000 miles on my car last month!) Unsurprisingly, it's been difficult to find a decent apartment in the right area for a reasonable price, but I think I've got one locked down. As I imagined, I've had neither the time, nor the space to work on any art – but the good news is I should be getting settled early next week, and then I'll be back to work! So with a little luck there will be updates later this month, with more to follow in the coming months. I'm a little sad to see my support drop, but I expected as much... I just wanted to say thanks for all your patience and I hope the rest of you are doing well. I will keep you posted in the coming weeks! 



Thanks for the update! Looking forward to your return!