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Hey all... so the next comic page was set to come out today, but I needed to make some major revisions to get the timing in the story sequence right. The next two pages will come out next week instead. I apologize for the delay but the changes I'm making will benefit the story. In the mean time here is another freebie for all (high res attached). This time it's a portrait study of Cammy. There will also be another NSFW drawing for those in the $10 tier. Thanks so much for your support and see you again soon! <3




Really liking the sfw portraits. Good stuff!


same really enjoying the portraits

George MP

I've always liked portraiture. I recommend at least one per character to get a close-up look at the protagonist/antagonist. Portraits are too often ignored by some artists. Portraits can be sexy. Like this one!


I’m not quite sure what’s going on with Cammy’s left shoulder. Just doesn’t look right to me.


Thanks very much. Glad you guys are able to appreciate these simple experiments in style and execution. Great for practice.


I stylized the insertion of the pectoral muscle into the lower deltoid region. It's anatomically correct, but maybe a little too wonky in execution. Thanks for the feedback though. It's good to know where you hit and where you miss. :)