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Part of Billy's motivations are revealed... This isn't merely an attempt to humiliate Marvin, but to control Sharlene as well. And if you needed a reminder, Billy IS the bad guy... so he's allowed to be a little bad. And yes... Spud is still alive. More on that soon...




Well now, YOU just made it on my "People whose houses I gotta egg tonight" list Billy.


Seriously, That Billy can fuck clean off. I really hope this situation blows up in his face somehow.

Stone Quillian III

Marvin, go Cock Hulk on these sluts and make Billy into a pile of waste, man! You the new MAN, man!


*Dragon Ball Z announcer* (What's that thing they used to say?) "Tune in next time to HOT SHIT HIGH to FIND OUT" *guitar riff*


LMAO, jeez. You truly are a bad girl ^^


Ah, NOW we get to the bottom of what Billy is after. All this time he'd been confusing me. I thought he was on Marvin's side or something like that. He's over here scheming and manipulating. But I get the feeling that I don't think that type of stuff'd work on Sharlene. I feel like Marvin's willpower is being held together by a single thread that's about to break. Sharlene just warned Billy and he's still playing with fire lol. They're finna get all kinds of effed. Great job on this page, Erotibot, I can practically hear the menacing music playing in the background throughout Billy's entire tirade. Also, is it me or does Sharlene's pigtails get larger and larger? Ha ha ha. I love it.


They have grown, yeah haha. But their size is dynamic and changes a little from panel to panel depending on my needs. I'm thinking I'll edit the dialog on this page a bit before the site release. I had one more statement I meant to slip in there but couldn't find the space. Also Billy isn't done yet. Stay tuned!