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This page came together in a rather unusual way. I started with Envy's pose and planned the page composition around her panel. I wanted to get a solid sense of foreshortening as she applies her... pressure... to our lead character.

Panel 3 was probably the trickiest, as I needed to get a single shot of Envy removing her shoe and Mi-hee looking snarky. A cartoonish approach seemed to serve me best here.

I'm also not entirely sure I got the balloon placement right, but I think it reads well. An organic approach that allows me to improvise along the way often leads to fun and interesting surprises. In the last panel I was able to overlay Envy's speech so that it carries through as if we are seeing her face while still hearing Envy's dialog. I didn't plan that, but I like the effect since it allows us to understand Sharlene's emotions in direct response to Envy's words.

Anyways, there's much more to come! See you again soon, and as always thank-you so very much for your support <3




You know I've been purposefully holding out on keeping up to date on this but damn if this page didn't get me looking. Good stuff.


Sharlene's expression absolutely sells this page for me it's great Mi-hee's as well


The more I'm seeing those two do to poor Marvin, the more eager I am to see where they'll go from there ♥W♥9 (let's just hope Billy won't get in the way)


Pleasant surprise! This page had a lot of emotion in it across the faces of all four characters. Shown in a great way. I love Envy's confidence ha ha. It radiates as an overtone on this whole page. Makes her seem even more dangerous (to the situation). I'd have to say as well that I don't see anything wrong with the 3rd panel, although my mind did skip a bit in the reading order (because I read manga too and got lost in the moment). Mi-hee's balloon is slightly higher than Envy's although Envy's is first in the reading order. Their shapes make it so that Envy's is a little bit lower than Mi-hee's so my eyes flicked to that first, then back to Envy's then I shook it off and read it in the right order. Ultimately the flow is great, hopefully the feedback is at least marginally useful. Fantastic work, as always. These pages make my day ha ha.


Goodness, with her looks Envy really has nothing to be envious about...


We all know you love the pussy and draw them really well, but shout out for the dicks of equal quality too.


Feedback is ALWAYS useful. Trust me, I don't get enough, so I appreciate the words. To my eyes the balloons seem about level, but I usually try to place the ones intended to be read first higher up. Maybe it's just a matter of lowering Mi-hee's balloon.


Great angle work! Really dynamic!


I had fun drawing her this way. Gotta keep the characters consistent (and cute) for the most part, but I've been trying to see where I can push the style a little for greater effect.


The more I can do to keep you looking the better! Or at least if I make it hard to resist then I know I'm doing something right.
