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whooo boy. I even worked myself up with this page... now how am I supposed to handle the rest?




I sense an impending buttjob >:3c


Hoo boy He's at the door now


Handle? with the other hand of course :)


Through panties?! Dam Marvin... Utensílios awesome


Reading this page made me feel like Hexadecimal from that old Reboot show. They're playing with fire, Marvin is trying to hold back the Super Sexa-jin, and Billy and Sharlene are just watching. She's not even on the page and I can feel Sharlene seething with rage LOL. All this time shes been trying to find Marvin to give her the business and the girls she hates most are taunting them both. You write a hell of a comic. The energy is everywhere with this dude! Also the bone through the boxers. Did you mean for that to be an unspoken metaphor? That's Marvin's willpower in picture form lmao. Super nice!


Normally this when things get serious and we feel bad for Sharlene. But since this is a world where casual sex and public sex is the norm, their current situation is fun and cute. I'm sure Sharlene must have done the deed with several guys in the past. Now it's Marvin's turn to have taste of the other girls. I don't know if Billy is gonna do Sharlene while Marvin does the other two girls. This page is such a cliffhanger. I'm excited for the next page.


As you should, lol... but don't feel TOO bad.


LOL... I actually didn't think of that, but I suppose it can be viewed that way. Those boxers are just barely containing him. And yeah... we are gonna catch up with Sharlene again pretty soon. This has been a long time in the making!


I'm not giving anything away, but I will say that's the goal in general - to keep things fun and cute. I do my best to build situations where I can play with emotion and tension without angering the reader unintentionally, but it's a delicate act. And yes, my canon is that Sharlene is experienced and has been around many guys. Her and Marvin have a connection but they are not in any kind of serious relationship at this point.
