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A new character arrives on the scene! With Billy's introduction the cast is rounded out and the stage is almost set. We've got just a little more to go before events start turning but there are fun times ahead. Thanks for your support!




Pfft Billy


Pfft Billy


What does Marvin wants? Nice grades or Ger lewd? Ehehehe ...

Stone Quillian III

Billy the Bully. Figures... and poor Marvin. He should just go with the girl.


1) Holy shit, Sharlene's pissed off. 2) Part of me can't help but think Billy here may try to take Sharlene away from Marvin. ;M;


Man, I love how expressive Sharlene is. She's a whole spectrum of raw emotion and her body language is so strong as well. These Billy panels, I can almost hear the guitar riff with his introduction. Heh. Great work as always, Erotibo, your work continues to inspire.


I definitely agree with the above the expressiveness of everybody makes this


In an ideal world without worry and conflict yes... but then where would my story go... don't worry there is much more to come.


Hmmm, interesting observations, BUT.... I don't like to say too much ahead of time.


Hahaha, you know... I wish I COULD add music to these comics somehow. That'd be pretty sweet.


I really should comment a lot more! Since I enjoy and love every pages and it just get even better and better! I'm a bit sry for Sharline she just want some fun with the nerd!! I'm so excited about the story line! Hopefully oneday I can come up with something like this!! <3 I know I always say it but your doing such amazing work ánd I'm glad I supporting you!


Thanks Rainbow, I always appreciate your comments and I'm happy you're looking forward to new pages. The most fun I have is in sharing it and awaiting your reactions.