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As Davy cheers for his friend's newfound public admiration, Marvin recalls his current state... 




the underwear in his locker XD


I feel bad for Marvin there. On one hand, Sharlene's crazy for him (and he's now seen as a badass by most of the school), but on the other, it definitely seems like he feels stalked by her.


He really should stop ignoring the girl who clearly wants him.


Clearly only one way to solve this Marvin, Loving the build up so far on these pages


man i wish i was that nerd :o


There's something about seeing how you plan these pages and then seeing the final versions of them, man. I've gotta say, it looks great and I happen to *really* be a fan of the way you do extras as silhouettes in the background. So awesome. Poor Marvin, he's inadvertently flipped his situations around and isn't sure if that's what he wants. I like that now he's trying to hide from Sharlene when before he was all interested. Interesting flip of the script, so to speak, he heh. :3c


The simplified extras serve two purposes. One, they're less distracting, and allow you to stay focused on the main characters while still conveying the crowd. Two, they save time and energy by not needlessly focusing on designing and drawing unimportant details. Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest ones, but it's also a matter of intention and efficacy. Work smarter, not harder, as they say. Glad you're enjoying the script, there are still many surprises to come.