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Now we catch up with our beloved hero, and he's getting quite the reaction from some of the girls at school. I wanted Marvin's newfound attention to make him feel uncomfortable, but I thought it would be fun to show the initial shot from Davy's point of view before switching to Marvin. Comparative reactions can go a long way in solidifying character personalities. Plus it's just good fun. Long live Davy.




That tanned girl looks gorgeous!


I actually intended to make her black. Couldn't get the skin color as dark as I wanted it with screen tones so I had to lighten her a bit. So she's kinda like Halle Berry or Rihanna now I guess.


bang em Marv...bang them all! ;)


Girl on far left, with her low pants. I love girls that dress like that.


You depicted beauty in so many ways on that 1st panel! ;///;b (for the record: my personal favorites are the glasses girl and the dark-skinned girl)


Don't do this to me they all so cute left and right-most especially .


Whew! Knew this page would be awesome, but my imagination was nowhere in the ballpark! Those girls look gorgeous and that last panel definitely worked out better than the profile one you were musing about, too. Another great page.


Is the cutie on the left in the foreground single? What's her name? Asking for a friend.


When I see your updates I feel like I'm in a school, because I like how you explain the process of each page. Especially the composition of each panel and the points of view. I really learn to observe each panel to understand what the artist is trying to say. And that's something that I did not do before.


You can't beat Calculus


Thanks! And the profile panel was for the next page, although yeah, I ditched that attempt in favor of another angled shot. Profiles can totally work, but it's all about using them when they are the best option.


Everything I do is planned out and done with some level of thought, so yeah, there will always be something to talk about! Glad you're enjoying the extra information with the updates :)


Oh gosh I love that he still looks like a Nerd XD!!


Apparently the super saiyan only comes out when he's fucked a hot chick