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Hmmm, given that images need to be zipped to preserve losslessness, I wonder if it wouldn't be more  convenient for everyone if I simply waited until the end of the month and uploaded a zip of all the pages for that month in high res... it might just be easier? than having to download a zip for each new page...

Something to think about.

Oh, and this page received some minor tweaking, mostly related to word bubbles, but nothing consequential.


Dean Glessner

I think as the regular resolutions are created they should be uploaded but maybe just wait for the high-res and batch upload them... unless that's what you just said lol


I agree end of the month seems fine

Todd Whitesel

Yeah I am fine with regular res during the month and high res in a monthly ZIP... there's already a delay to get the high res version so I'm fine with just getting them all at once. Also it encourages people to stick around until the next monthly charge... Now that you are pay-per-month there is no penalty for dropping out late in the month just before the next charge-- previously when you were pay-per-Reward, Patreon does not let those cancel without paying for all pending charges on the spot.


Ah, that's a pretty good point and I actually didn't know this. Thanks for the reply!


I'd also prefer them combined into as few archives to download as possible, personally. It's just less effort on our end.


Yep, exactly how I feel. Far easier for me to remember to do, and easier for you to collect. Let's try it!