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Need to think of a funny title for this one >_< In the mean time here's an illustration of your fav Youtuber getting her tubes... uh... yeah. Ya know, I'm not so certain her face matches her words but I can only hear her saying that one thing...

Anywho, there'll be a new character poll up soon and some other stuff! See ya again soon! :)




Kaguya Luna said the F word in one of her vids when she was saying goodbye. Think you could put her in one of your piece someday? I wonder what will be the reaction of Ai when she sees this? I love this by the way.


The fuck you thing is great and so is the piece! Although I feel you missed an opportunity to position her in an agressive manner while saying it or maybe even her presenting and saying fuck me with her usual cheerful face


Such a nice view! Lovely expresión!


I'd say it's fitting given the situation all in all another excellent piece


AD in AI


Ahaha, this is great! Funny and hot, a good combination.


ahhh...apple pen! ;)


Unsurprisingly, that was my first instinct as well. She was going to have a more shocked or angry look on her face (which perhaps would have suited the scene), but the urge to draw a bright and happy face on her was irresistible in the end.


Hmmm I'm just learning about her right now. Seems very cute. I love her scratchy irritated sounding voice.


When will the high res version be posted?


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geJDGYv0duo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geJDGYv0duo</a>