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Alright, so we’re a couple weeks into the New Year, and I just wanted to give you guys a heads up and a little more information about what’s coming. I was originally planning on starting Hot Shit High Chapter 2, along with a monthly Patreon page for comics, sometime around March. This was to give me a little more time to both save for taxes and to finish up any additional illustration projects I had planned.

However, I decided that instead of doing some of those illustrations that I’ll be working on a short comic project (roughly 8 to 10 pages) in the run up to HSH Ch2. This will serve as both a warm up, and a chance for me to jump back into comics sooner. I’ll announce more details about the short comic before it starts, but I should be getting into it later this month.  

I’ll also be soft-launching my comics Patreon too, just to get the ball rolling here. For the time being both Patreon pages will receive the same content so there will be no rush to switch or anything, but I’ll start to prioritize the comic Patreon as I move into Hot Shit High. Once that gets underway comic updates will only be posted to the new Patreon, and I’ll be making an effort to get everyone I can to move over. I’m a little nervous about making this change since it could potentially cause a dive in my income, but I think it’s better for my long term goal of focusing, and sustaining myself on comic work. Nervousness aside, I’m actually very excited about this change and have been looking forward to it for a long time now.

Anyways, for now there will be one more character poll this month for a pin-up style illustration, and then some new comic work after that! See ya soon!



Cool for me. But why aren't you just changing this Patreon side into the comic side?


I thought about it, but after careful consideration, I think what I want to do the most is set up a page with a monthly reoccurring pledge, instead of per-update. This means I can release pages as they are completed, and not worry too much about how many pages I'm putting out. I can switch this current page to monthly, but with my pledge amount as it is I'd be taking a huge cut in income (which would make it too hard to pay my bills!) since I usually update 2 or 3 times per month. Instead, I'll be starting a monthly comics page, and manage it next to this one until it's financially stable enough to take over. Well that's the plan anyways. There's risk either way, but I feel this option would be best for me in the long run.