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Hello everyone!

Over the past several months, the Wokatsang tier drawings have given me the chance to develop a style of pinup that I'm quite proud of, and enjoy doing. However, I draw so many of them every month that I've been left with very little time for personal projects or creative work. It has also meant that I haven't been able to open commissions for quite a while now.

I feel that continuing like this will lead to me burning out pretty badly, so I'm going to be restructuring the tier, starting with September's payment cycle. Here are the changes:    

  • The number of Wokatsang slots will drop from 10 to 4.
  • The base price for pinups will rise to $100.
  • Two patron-only pinup commission slots will open every month, with a three-month cooldown period between commissions from the same patron

I understand if this leaves the comfortable price range for some of you, but I feel the change is justified in preserving both my mental health and the quality of my artwork. Any outstanding comms will not increase in price.

If you're currently on the Wokatsang tier and would like to keep your current slot with the price changes, please DM me to state your interest. If there are are more interested patrons that slots, I'll draw lots to determine who will stay.

Thank you very much for understanding, and for your continued support! It's only because of you that I am able to keep drawing. 



Don't worry about it, whatever keeps your mental healthy is always the correct decision