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This month's a Free-For-All! No specific theme is enforced, so come out with your favorite idea!

Submit an idea below for a sketch - Both fit and chubby characters qualify. (If you'd like to just submit a character then the theme will automatically be applied).

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submission deadline is 5 days.
  • One submission per Patron, OCs welcome.
  • No characters that have won in the last three months.
  • Provide an image reference via a discord/catbox/imgur link.
  • No scat or political themes.
  • The 3 highest voted ideas will be drawn as sketches




Sukie (oc) adjusting her swimsuit at the beach. (Wardrobe malfunction A-okay with me!) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/1aibo33aduka4q11f8mkj/h?rlkey=2off8n67nye4uq94ohp38oydg&dl=0

Some Dude

Marin (Zelda) Singing to try and hide her big belly's hungry rumbles https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/876527578867978281/1144341806016892928/latest.png?width=348&height=702