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Welcome Eldritchlings to the Monthly Drawthread, In the comments below you can request a drawing of anything and I'll be providing sketches of the ones I fancy on stream! 

Stream day is April 24th


  • Drop the character you'd like drawn and  maybe some refs with a simple desc' of what you'd like, the more freedom I have the more likely it is to be picked.
  • Any character is fine but I'd prefer them if they have existing art.
  • One request per patron.
  • Provide multiple refs on collage sheet or in a album link, massive posts will be ignored.
  • 15 words or less, these aren't comms. State if you're okay with lewd stuff this doesn't count towards word limit. Many words make brain hurt hurt, keep  simpul, me grug head.
  • No scat or Political themes.
  • Post only once either here or on discord.



Sullied Grace

Chubby Sky from Shantae going Easter Egg hunting with a chocolate bunny in her mouth. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/975097827636150433/1016393206872682496/unknown.png

Chespin 369

Obese Pokemon Celebi eating chocolate easter eggs. NSFW allowed.


G'day Mate, thanks for submitting and just a heads I don't feel comfortable doing Explicit pokemon stuff but anything cute and SFW is fine so If I do this request it'll be SFW.