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Greetings my eldritch Veglings, just wanted to say thanks for all the support the last few months in my endeavor drawing cute girls. Unfortunately between a poor schedule and being intermittently sick this month has led to a backlog of owed Patreon poll work so I'll be pausing Patreon payments for March but will continue to do all the usual work to make up for lost time and content this month. Thanks for ya understanding.

General Changes:

  • New Poll: Triple set Series - a three part series of story telling illustrations with a  character decided by the community.
  • Polls will have their rules updated to make them clearer.
  • Drawthread will be available on Patreon and discord at the start of the month.
  • Private streams will be just another streaming day, non bookable.
  • Rewards will be paused for this month but so will payments for those.

Wokbunso Tier and above:

  • New one time reward - small custom emoji/character

Wokatsang Tier:

I've really enjoyed the pinups I've been doing but being restricted by a smaller timeslot has lead to some less than optimal results when drawing some new ideas I don't have much experience in. I've also been delaying increasing my commission  prices for a good part of the last year and this year.

This means the tier will be increasing in price but I'll also be increasing the average time spent on each commission to make better art.

The current aim for the price of this tier is significant increase from 45usd to 75usd.

I'll also be limiting the slot to five this month then five again next month for a total of ten slots as long as I'm on top of my schedule. priority of these slots will be going to current Wokatsang slot holders but if there's slots leftover after the priority round its fair game to anyone.

If you have questions about these changes feel free to comment below, I always appreciate the council.



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