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hi guys!!! i hope you had happy holidays, sorry for the lack of content i burned out a bit. I think im improving now but i am so, so tired. My bad entirely, i love u all xx 

and now for some lore: Fae masks are highly prized as burial masks for monster hunters. For example, if your old master dies protecting the city from a dragon, you will go out and hunt a fae to pay respect to the skills your master taught you. Unfortunately this tradition has instilled a deep mistrust amongst fae against all non-fae because who knows if the next asshole will want to steal your face. (stealing a fae's mask won't fatally wound them, but it does take a while to grow back, and sometimes it doesnt grow back at all)

The fae masks do serve a practical purpose as burial masks though, as any corpse reanimated while wearing one will completely retain the personality and memories they possessed while alive. 




all of these are so good!


these are beautiful! the gold one at the top and the blue one right underneath it are particularly stunning.


All of these are gorgeous, and that lore! Both incredible and chilling. Love it!


So I have a question. Would a shed fae mask serve the same purpose or does it need to be a current one forcibly removed from the fae. Somewhere else you said thay the fae might give their shed masks to warlocks they like.