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am currently planning the npc/item/monster sets, lizard gfs, magic tattoos and sorting out when i can open coms again for april

(also! heres some characters i have planned for the sets
-twin warrior prince+princess
-medical automaton
-disgraced knight
-wizard with pseudolycanthropy)

im hype!!!!!!!

(I'm now feeling a lot better, thank you everyone for being supportive :')

EDIT: for people who didnt see it in the discord, I'm gonna do the sets based around a specific theme so there is some measure of cohesion when i release them  rather than a bunch of cool-looking things with no uhhhh implied lore.
You'll get what i mean when i release the first one, feel free to shoot ideas my way or tell me how i could improve them :>



shit i love the sound of magic tattoos so much!! it sounds awesome!!


ive written out all my notes for them i just need to make them arty and coherent now hahahaha


Glad to hear you're getting better, can't wait for all this content!


oh i cant WAIT for magic tattoos


dude i am so excited im gonna sit eating ben and jerrys watching the good shit roll in