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January's printshop 15% discount code: VLVWYM - valid Jan 1-31.

Happy New Year's Eve-Eve, everyone. Wanna give you a huge thanks for sticking with me for another year. The world's gotten a lot crazier and life isn't as cheap as it was a couple years prior, so it means a lot to me to have your continued support on this book.

Here's some inks and process sketches from a scene I'm finishing up. I really liked Wyit's expression in that final panel, so I made prints & stickers of it available here.

Note: I've got about 15+ pages after this one already inked, I just sometimes jump ahead and work on scenes I know I can quickly do, while more difficult ones with lots of subtle emotional beats (like this one) will sit for a while until I circle around to finish them up.

I'm currently out of state, visiting family for the holidays and housesitting for the next month or 2 in a place considerably nicer than my cabin, but I've got my PC and Cintiq with me, so expect continued posts and progress livestreams during this time. See you next update!



Picori Kirby

Nice ink and curious roughs. Are those sketches like small doodles and thoughts?


Sort of. They're basically the rough sketch/thumbnails of that page before inking, but you can see there in the 3rd and 4th images some alternate compositions and posing I was considering before coming up with the 2nd image, which I then inked.


Looking really good^^ Wyit looks torn up about something. It reminds me of the scene from LOTR where Frodo realizes he has to leave the fellowship and continue the journey on his own. Will Wyit find the strength to continue on I wonder. Hope you had a good holiday and have a safe and fun New Years Eve^^


It's definitely a scene where Wyit lets on a lot more about what's really tearing him up inside, so I'm glad to hear it gets across like that to you, even without dialog shown. And thanks, wishing you a happy New Year too!