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A somewhat more cheery fellow than what we've normally seen from the hares I've drawn into the comic so far. He's not an official character (yet), I mostly just wanted to draw an idea for some flight gear. Not quite where I'd like it, but it's workable for a background character.

ALSO, as much as I hate the new Patreon logo, some of the new UI changes are great. I just created two "Collections" for Figure Studies and for Sketchbook, which should make it a LOT easier for newcomers to catch up on old posts by category. I'll make 1 or 2 other collections for layered PSD/WIP files soon as well.




The outfit and gear are awesome, it all looks lived-in and genuine


Awesome design, it looks like he could either a support character or be part of the main cast. Also I like the concept where the rabbits like Shar seem to be harden warriors. Usually rabbits are portrayed as easily frighten and weak. Totally the opposite here. Is Shar full blown evil or more of a noble demon type ?


thanks SurfNinja! I wouldn't categorize Shar as evil really, so much as someone who's ruthlessly devoted to her cause and objectives. Lady Eboshi from Princess Mononoke and Princess Kushana from Nausicaa might be good approximate comparisons for what she's like. She's willing to use extreme violence, but she's not sadistic or cruel either.