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July's printshop 15% discount code: FSZNOJEM - valid July 1-31.

I know I said in the last update that I'd do a figure drawing post for the next one, but some schedule limitations meant I had to use all my available home workstation time this month into working directly on the comic.

So instead I selected some sketchbook pages of drawings done while away from home, traveling or at various appointments. Will definitely get those figure drawings to you all in July though!

First off, just some general news:

- Currently lettering the book right now. It's not terribly exciting to share progress on text, and there's huge story spoilers, so obviously I can't livestream much of this stage.

- Official Wyit website in the works. After lettering is done, I'll get back to drawing the final chapter of the book. At this stage it'll be critical to have a more 'official' and simply COOLER landing page for the book, more than the /wyit sub-page on my reaganlodge.com site. I'm expecting a LOT of new traffic in the coming months, so I'm producing some new character bio cards, a world map, quick lore things, and then will be Wixing or Squarespacing it all up for a more immersive little page.

Anyways, on to the art:

#1 - Rabbit heads are stupidly difficult for me to draw in different perspectives, so that's what I was sharpening up on here. You'll notice the top row's sketches are kind of fuzzy and rough, but they improve as you go down. That's pretty normal for when I've had to go more than a day without drawing, then get back into it. There's usually a steep quality curve before getting back to my 'cruising quality' level.

#2 - Just another wicked rabbit page. This is a pretty good example of a "skill maintaining" page, usually done on days where I'm doing a lot of non-drawing work (comic lettering, making a new website, etc) and I try to get in a bit of full-body gesture drawing, some facial expressions. Keeps the art-atrophy away.

#3 - Sketches from a recent flight. Just a Wyit mood piece, and a composition for a comic panel for a future story in Rek & Wyit's travels.

#4 - Starting on another sketchbook! I got a Leuchtturm A5 Red Dot sketchbook I'll be using for straight to ink sketching. My graphite book will continue on as the more methodical drawing journal, while this one is all about line speed and quick thinking, minimal concern for cleanup. Got a few other pages filled in this already that I'll be posting in July.



Picori Kirby

Nice Sketches. I like the above/below camera angle head sketches.


Love the angle sketches. Can’t wait to see the website!


Thanks Goat! Aiming to have the new page up next month or sooner, depending how simple or Rule Of Cool I end up going with it. Tempted to give people a preview of some world/lore I haven't revealed yet, but would still be a good appetizer for the book's story.