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This month's printshop 15% discount code: QME4M5J - good until 3/30

PAYWALL PRICE CHANGE SOON: All of you presently reading this will be unaffected, you're keeping your current membership cost! Due to inflation and my ISP increasing its price again, I need to increase the entry cost for new members soon. If you're a member now (or are reading this later but you joined before the price change) you'll keep the $3/mo subscription for however long you maintain an active subscription.

Announcements out of the way, on to the art:

I have a TERRIBLE SECRET - I barely knew all these years what I was doing when it came to drawing teeth, so I'm working to change that. I'll do practice pages for all major characters, but since Rek is by far the snarliest of the bunch I decided to get into it with him first.

Aiming for a balance between realism and cartoony-simplified that can be drawn quickly.

Next up, some aircraft sketches for the rabbits. The dotted page is out of my Leuchtturm pocketbook I keep as my SUPER messy visual-notes book. It goes with me absolutely everywhere, including the gym and bathroom.


Work on the book is proceeding pretty well. Some mishaps on the farm require me to cover for someone else who's recovering from broken ribs for the next 5 weeks, but it won't affect my page production really. Just means I can't livestream on Thursdays for a while.

Also WELCOME to the new members who joined today! Thank you so much for your support. Feel free to message me with any questions or suggestions anytime.



Eddie Santiago

Fantastic job on the aircraft! Now that's something I'd like to try someday.


The bottom right of Rek's expressions screams: "The Violence has escalated; GOOD."


very noice

Picori Kirby

Good to hear your improving again. I also never noticed about the teeth. Sorry to hear about what happened as well. May they recover safely.


Thanks! Still working some things out but it's getting closer to what feels right.


It was actually meant to be just an x-ray view of his snout, but yeah it does totally look now like he's grinning maniacally


Thank you! It's definitely a setback, but thankfully the other worker is recovering steadily and it won't take too much time away from comic making for me.