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Inked this page in tonight's livestream, thought it was a fairly decent snapshot of my inking process since there's not a ton of complicated layers in it (yet) so I selected this for CSP file (see attached) and full-resolution JPEG sharing here. I went REALLY on the nose with the Mignola shadows in this page.

Also just did a screentone variant for fun as I occasionally do, but I liked this one so much I figured I'd keep it exclusive to Patreon for now. Thought it captured that nightmarish flashback feel I wanted for this scene JUST right.




Wow! This looks fantastically nightmarish. Has a very Mignola/Apocalypse Now vibe. Can’t wait to learn more about the backstory in the book. Also looked up the “Mad Baron” and he was an incredibly tyrannical warlord in history that l never knew about. Great work!


Thanks Aimee, yeah I wanted to capture that "Colonel Kurtz but Fantasy" feeling for Cogsun in this. There's a dozen different ways I could've handled this flashback scene and been happy with, but I think this'll do (plus I needed the open space on the right for dialog balloons)