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Great to have all of you here! I'm so thankful for and encouraged by all of your support.

Here's a rather scruffy sketch of Wyit done earlier today, haven't posted anywhere else yet. Started this using a Tombow marker for the underdrawing. I always have trouble drawing in pencil before inking, but this was a wonder-working combo for me. Amazingly they don't bleed through to the other side of the paper like most markers.


For the longest time I held off on launching a Patreon. Always fussed over what material I would post there but not publicly, what tiers to make, and then agonizing when I realized fulfilling those tier perks would add more side-quests that'd take time away from the graphic novel. 

Then I thought about how I've been funding other Patreons. 90% of the time I'm throwing a few dollars a month at someone just because I like what they do. I'm too busy to catch most the private livestreams, download the wallpapers or vote in content polls. Instead I just look forward to the next Big Update of whatever animation/comic/show it is they're working on. The main THING.  

So I'm structuring this page with that in mind. I'm setting a basic $3 tier, with my sole promise to you that I'm fanatically dedicated to producing WYIT.

But to keep things interesting, I'll set aside some choice items as here and there for the Patrons, before the multitudes see them. WIPs, sketches, whatever else that pops up during production that might be a nice exclusive for my Patricians. Higher tiers and more specific perks will be added if/when appropriate. It's all a little experimental.

That's all my thoughts for now. Once again, it's great to have you all here. This will be an excellent journey!




Awesome Reagan! I had a bunch of the same feelings as well before launching mine. Glad you're doing this, and excited to see more Wyit!


Thanks Jake! Great to have you here too. Yeah, a lot of my delayed hemming and hawing over launching a Patreon was because I was afraid of committing myself to something that ends up distracting from the book people want me to produce. Something Jason Brubaker cautioned about in a couple of his videos. Thankfully people reminded me Patreon doesn't HAVE to be a competing side-gig of its own and can be as low-carb as you need it to be.

Garrett Simpson

Very cute sketch! Excited to join you,doubly so for extra peeks at art!


Big thanks Garrett! Yeah I figure the best, low-stress way for me to start content sharing here would be early looks at stuff before it goes public, then gradually expanding to other content from there.


Love the sketch. It's my new mobile wallpaper now.