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“Everything is going as planned sir, the facility should be fully operational within 6 months. I agree with you on your choice for “Naomi” to run the project. We have discussed the terms with her and she has agreed. She seems very enthusiastic to work on this project! We will keep you posted as things develop.” 

Hey Everyone! That quote above is a little chunk taken from our Game 2 script that seemed most fitting for our current Patreon post haha! Don't worry though, you don't have to wait 6 months to get our new build... that was just a line from the game haha!

Now that Nympho Trainer VR is all patched up and stable, we have been back hard at work on our next game. We are working on getting some of our environments and characters set up, as well as experimenting with new workflows. We have purchased some new software and equipment that should help us accomplish what we are trying to do even with our small team size. We are planning on creating somewhat of a story-line with this game, which we never got a chance to try with Nympho Trainer. For this, we will need lots of motion captures, audio captures, and in-sync facial animations. 

We talked to our Nympho Trainer Voice Actress/Tutorial girl "Little Squirtles" who we loved working with, and she is very enthusiastic about working on this new project with us! She will be helping us by being not only one of the voice actresses, but also by being a motion capture actress. So stay tuned for more on that in the upcoming week! 

Thank you everyone for baring with us during this transition period between games! It has been very hard getting a playable build ready for you guys while also tackling Nympho Trainer patches... but we should have one ready for this months "End of the Month Release".

We love you all! Thank you so much for your support!  Stay tuned for more!

-The VReleased Team




Is she the one that gives the tutorial in Nympho Trainer?


Hey Marcus, Yes, Little Squirtles is the girl in our Nympho Trainer Tutorial. =)