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Hey Everyone,

This week we started working on a "how to play" tutorial. Although it won't be suuuper beneficial to our loyal users who know the controls well, it is a necessity for a final game release. Either way, we are trying something a bit different, and it's pretty cool! We will give you some sneak peeks of what it will be like in an upcoming dev update-- we think everyone will love it!

A lot of people have been asking for persistent customization, so you can save your dressed up kitty girl for next play. We are going to get that implemented for you guys in the next build! 

We have fixed a lot of bugs this week, and polished a lot of little things that have been bugging us haha! One example is updating our in game visual "control tips" you see when you lightly rest your thumb on the "Vive Touchpad", "Oculus Touch Joystick" or the "MMR Touchpad". We are completely redesigning all three of these "controls tips". This involves things like splitting up the "Vive Touchpad" top and bottom parts so we can visually see they are two separate buttons. You can see an example of the new tips in the picture attached to this post! 

We are also currently working on catching up the PC build to our VR build. We will do this by adding in the two new hot-spots (A-Cross & Cage BJ) and getting all the code to work with the VR emulated keyboard controls (wish us luck haha!). We plan to have this in our next build as well!

We love you guys, thank you for your awesome support! We really appreciate it!

-The VReleased Team



Joshua Blalock

Please add hands to replace thr controllers. Good for grabbing things. Maybe more collision points to grab with human hands and not controllers.


Hey Joshua, we plan to start wrapping this game up and starting a new project soon. We will not be switching the controllers to hands because it is very late in development for that kind of change. With our next project we will differently keep that idea in mind though, so stay tuned! We have some awesome plans for the future! =)