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PC Build Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2nn7c7K-FonQ0kwV1ZVX1JUZEE 

Mac Build Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2nn7c7K-FonOEFuNVEzb1NpTjQ 

Password: desktopfun

Hey Patrons!

IT IS HERE! We are pretty f**kin excited to say we now have a PC-Ready Build for our non-VR users! This was a pretty huge project for us since all of our initial code was built from the ground up (specifically for VR-use) so there was definitely some "creative coding" going on. The controls are having some issues, but we thought we'd get you guys a build to play with while we keep tweaking it. 

Additionally, since we did do a lot of "hot fixes" in order to get our VR code to work with the mouse and keyboard, the dildo has some bugs, but the other toys should be pretty stable.

As for now, we have a basic UI to show you guys the controls (that of which you can toggle on and off.) We definitely plan to refine this UI and make it look “pretty” later on. We also plan to incorporate visual cues later on so you can intuitively know objects you can interact with (i.e.-like grabbing her head, you kind of just have to know you can do it for now). 

We really wanted to capture the “VR” feel of our game, even on the 2D PC version, so our game has a very unique feel to it. We also plan to add more "in-game helper" cues to our PC and VR versions of Nympho soon. This will really help players know what they can and can’t interact with. In the mean time, we'll call it a "feature" and say it'll be a fun time "exploring" and trying to interact with different objects.

We also want to mention that currently, we have a separate build for PC. We plan to have a "game launcher" so the VR version and PC version can both be on a single build soon! :)

All things considered, we're pretty f**kin PUMPED for you to try it!

As always, we LOVE to hear from you guys and get your awesome feedback :)

Thanks for awesome and pushing us to do a PC build, we so greatly appreciate it!!!

-The VReleased Team





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