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Disclaimer: All characters depicted here are 20+ years old.

Do you remember Ranma 1/2? I remember Ranma 1/2!

It was one of my first exposition to anime when I was a wee lad. I'm absolutely positive my taste for tomboy girls isn't derived at all from that early exposition to a man-in-a-girls-body. Which takes me to my next point of debate.

Is liking female Ranma gay? Numerous studies has been made since time inmemorial, but the answer is still not clear, and many experts are still discussing the topic with red hot passion. Almost as hot as a sauna gets! (Get it?)

Akane didn't expect her future husband-to-be chilling inside the small sauna. But it's ok. She has room on the lower sitting spot. Ranma is sitting wide, there is enough room.

After this nostalgia trip, and once again, thank you so much for your infinite patience and support.

We have many much things in the making. You guys let me know when cloning becomes viable and clones don't try to murder the original to suplant him.

Have a great week!



The Spider

I assure you all younger folk in the comment section Ranma is most definetly a woman....for now...


I love ranma, took forever to complete my collectors editions Blu-ray. But I now have whole series and the OVAs.

Jerry V

My favorite girl from Ranma has to be Nabiki with Ukyo a very close second. That dress Nabiki wore in one of the OVAs was truly 👌😩

Quiet One

I wonder, would being in a sauna cause Ranma to change into a guy? I guess steam is different enough from hot water for it not to count. Wonderful art!

Hippo Dippo

Those are some stellar 80-90s bushes!


Oh, that's very good! All I have is a friend with the complete manga collection hahaha


Yeah, i guess it's gotta be a splash of hot water for the change to happen!