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It's probably not what you expected, but I better not hear you complaining about it.

I mentioned earlier I'm reading the animators survival kit. I got entranced by the process and couldn't let it be until I was done. Let me tell you, drawing wiggling tails is a fucking nightmare. 4 times I redid the thing.

My first finished animation loop so far. Yay! Featuring Justice, the awesome demon, because I saw her on Twitter again. More to come, so stay tuned - You will find a textless version and a silent version attached, do with them what you feel is right.

Music by the way comes from Viewtiful Joe, first track of the game (Joe the hero, I think it's called) pretty sweet game. The kind of game you need to master and git gud, but when you do, oh boy.


Just ice

That's all. Just ice.



Good to see you're continuing your animation


Nice, I like it. Maybe do more helltaker girls


Can't decide, all have their charms. Did see this Japanese fan manga that had the Helltaker girls have kids. Azazel had a son, and honestly she is adorable in angel form.

Mason Connolly

Hell yeah man helltaker girls are too tier


Yes Justice! Probably my favorite Helltaker girl if I had to pick one and bonus points for the nostalgia trip with the Viewtiful Joe music👍


Perfect description of the Viewtiful Joe game. You need to be in the zone while playing this game. But once everything starts clicking you really appreciate how awesome the playstyle is. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You.