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And now for something completely different, Code Geass, in comic form! 

I've not seen code geass, but once again, I know it by osmosis with my surroundings. 

Once again, thank you for your patience and support! Imagine getting to 400 patreons this year. That will call for a celebration of some sort, don't you think?

I've got a splitting headache. Better take an aspirin before it gets worse.

Have a great week, everyone!




Really like how you display intimacy in your art, its a breath of fresh air tbh


For the curious (guy who commed this) I do have one other idea for something in this potential line of traumatizing Nunnally bits, though I'd probably do that later to give Eltonel some easier pics in the meantime.


That's some mighty fine sound proofing. I wonder what nunally was doing for them to test it. Btw are still not taking new commissions? I've waited a while.


Shoot, send me an email please, I think I might have lost your comm in the file!