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No time like the present to get the ability to self-replicate going up and work at full steam if you ask me. Zinnia seems to agree with it, and is actively in search of a suyitable partner.

Luckily for her, resident stud is up to the task, as if any other result was remotely possible.

It's been a while since I last made a comic page. Read the occidental way of left to right, or the time paradox will be very big!

Thanks once again for your support and sorry for the delay - it appears that the drawcave has neighbours. Noisy ones at that. And that the walls are closer to a speak than to a noise soaking mechanism. (Also, have three weddings to attend. One done. Two to go.)

I'll get back to work right now. You're all, truly wonderful.

Have the intention of uploading something mid week if everything goes right, so stay tuned.

Thank you! See you around!



James Schweitzer

Nice! I think you mean "virile" not "virulent" 🙂


Aww, Zinna is so cute. Love this comic. It's a shame I forgot her. Maybe I should add her to the Trainer/Rival series X3


Yeah, (guy who commed this) I messed that up. Did send Eltonel the part about the hiccup, hopefully he can patch it soon.


Zinnia was the one who was replaced by Jasmine in the Grace/Jasmine/Bea piece with a 'only you can repopulate my tribe' type line. She was swapped out for more variety in the ladies interests/reactions.


dang this is so hot! I love repopulating needs in a story. gotta be thinking of that next generation, but the fact that it turns me on is pure bonus!


That will be a good start, let’s line the rest up! Gotta keep Ash busy ! :P


Not like anyone would mind. We like more art and Eltonel likes being paid.


On a pure companion level you have Dawn, Iris, and Mallow left. (Technically there is also Chloe) On the one hand I am up for doing Iris, but I m not really feeling a Dawn or Mallow idea. You guys have to step up for that one.


That's right and I'm happy to pay a commission for him. But Eltonel has a lot to do and I don't want to force him to work too much. But I can ask him again if he is ready for a new commission.

Tyler Spencer

I kinda wished u did Brandon and not Ash because ash doesn't exist in the Pokemon Game Universe and Zinnia doesn't exist in the Pokemon Anime world at least I dont think she does unless she appeared in that one series but still it has Brandon and not Ash but hey I'm just nick picking good job on the comic my man


Frankly, you can change the name on the speech bubble and it can work the same, as there is no male face on this one!

Tyler Spencer

Oh okay yeah that makes sense