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Disclaimer: All characters depicted are 20+ years old.

Nothing says rich girl like patterns on cushions and sofas.

Poor people have solid color cushions and sofas. This is fact, you and I both have solid color sofas. Mine's grey.

But back to the subject at hand, this time Yaoyorozu Momo came to visit! There was some problems with getting the pose to where I wanted, and I'm still not 100% cool with it, but it be what it be. Also couldn't decide on what kind of pubic hair would Momo sport normally, so there are a bunch of variations there.

Big breasts are hard to draw, but fun to watch. I hope you enjoy this one too, and please look forward to the next one!

Once again, thank you all so much for your patience and support. I'll go die for a bit and resurrect tomorrow. Need to work more and more fluidly. Expect stuff to happen soon too. Not saying too much because it's a sicrit!

Have a great week. It's june already.

Can't believe it.



TF Commando

I'll say "Whoa mama." Big hair up top, big hair down below!