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The new version of Good Night Hotel is finally here!

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Public Version : Download.

Patreon Version : Vist This post.

Changelog :

Update title : New Start


-improved gameplay mechanics.

-NEW: more starting clothes.

-NEW: added more skin tones.

-NEW: new animations.

-NEW: added achievements and tasks systems, This can be accessed through the phone.

-NEW: new location has been added (Photo studio).

-NEW: introduced 4 new story characters.

-NEW: supermarket mini game.

-UPDATED: better graphics.

-UPDATED: imporoved story.

-UPDATED: improved user interface.

-UPDATED: improved dialogue interface.

-DISABLED: some character customization features are disabled for now, this includes : chest and  butt sizes, mouth shapes.

-DISABLED: The stats system is temporarly disabled until the mafia update is released.

-DISABLED: some buildings are not accessible at the moment as their story is still in progress, this includes : The gym, sex shop and the clothes store.

-DISABLED: working at the bar is disabled for now.

Known bugs:

-sometimes you get stuck on the edges when roaming the map.(go back to main menu and continue, your progress will  be saved)



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