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With Gateway Growth Chapter 2 finishing up we need a new comic! Or do we continue on with some stories? Choose below!

#1: Gateway Growth Chapter 3: Kira and Lena are finally fully embracing their powers , and soon a military base bears the brunt of it! As they enjoy themselves with the attempts of mortals to stop them Lena does begin to wonder what the real goal is. Why are they being given powers?

#2: Alt Amazon Chapter 3: We continue the story of Alt amazon! Chloe is a bit curious as to why Eve always seems to avoid questions about what happened to her own body. Eve on the other hand really feels Chloe needs to stand up for herself and become more confident in several different ways! Though it all comes down to just lots of sexy fun in the end of course!

#3: Lexi & Lee: Holiday: We return to our favorite red head and blonde (pictured above)! Lexi, Lee, Richard and Rachel are going on a holiday, only the night they arrive Richard and Rachel find themselves harrased by some big guys mocking them. They step over it, but when spotting the same guys the next day again, Lee and Lexi decide to put them in their place in a variety of strength contests!


Elek Szerep

You presented this poll like we can make a decision for you 😂 I mean, how can you pick one out of these three?!


Why do you make these tough polls. It is so hard to just pick one 😩. Impossible


Because if one story would get like 80% of the votes it wouldn't be a meaningful poll, it'll simply be confirmation of something i already know :)

Andre Curieux

I hope to see the story of Lee & Lexi eventually.