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Been a while since we talked!

Let me first state that I'm incredibly grateful for everyone's continued support. I truly hope I can deliver content that you guys enjoy and I'm ever working on increasing the quality of my work. A huge thank you for this!

This also brings us to the issue of quality vs quantity. 

A whole time back we talked about story telling. It's what I like most about amazons and powerful girls in general, telling stories around their strength (and sexiness). I always try to squeeze as much story as I can in as few pages as I can. This is simply cause there's a lot of stories I want to tell. Because of this nearly every page I make is entirely different than the one before, it's not simply a different angle of the exact same situation, it's always a next "happening" so to say. This process is obviously time consuming, simply making a scene and making pages out of several different angles while splitting up the dialogue gives me more pages and more eye-candy from several angles, but could make already size-able content even longer. 

The other point to be made here is variation in stories. With my weekly sets I tell a different story every week, this means different scenes and characters every week. Once again, very time consuming. 

I hugely enjoy making these different stories, but my bigger releases suffer. It's quite frankly embarrassing how long it has been since we've had a Hannah comic, despite her being the poster girl of my entire Patreon! 

There's balance in all things of course, but I'm interested in which way you guys want this balance to go, so this Let's Talk is also a poll! What I'm mostly interested in is whether you guys would rather continue seeing the weekly set format we have going, or more longer running comics, maybe even Hannah's Story comic pages every week? These stories would not be as long as for example Science of Amazons, but would be longer than weekly sets, say anywhere from 50-100 pages. The voting would be about which comics to make rather than which weekly sets. It would slightly reduce the variation, but slightly increase the output, for example 10-20 pages on monday, wednesday and friday. So more focused on several bigger releases every month rather then smaller ones every week.

Please vote below! This also doesn't decide anything yet unless the vote swings one way really hard! It's merely to get an idea and your opinion! So:

Option 1: Slightly longer running comics, no more weekly sets but weekly pages for up to three or four different ongoing comics, eventually creating comics of in between 50-100 pages. Slightly less variation in comics.

Option 2: Keep as is, weekly sets, bigger variation yet less big comics.

Now this is not to say that there won't be big releases with option 2 of course! I'm still hard at work for Hannah!

But a ludicrous amount of time also goes to Vanessa! We (yes, we, it's not just me working on it) are hard at work with making something unique! I won't tell a lot till we got a solid release date, but it's definitely getting there!

And also, if there's anything you want to see or say or complain about do leave a comment! I definitely read all of them and take them to heart!


Samuel E. N. Furlano

It's funny, I've been thinking about love making with a beautiful, lovely Amazon chick in a bubble bath. But this art piece makes Amazon bath sex even more desirable :D! As for future content, I am good with anything. I write lots of fan fiction for my own amusement, so I understand completely with wanting to add story structure to the godly universe/altered reality of Amazons that you have created :D! I personally like the weekly sets/pin ups and the short "comics" per say of couples like in set 23 and Feral Girlfriend. The longest comic I really enjoyed was the one of the shy blonde girl who gets her date with the guy she likes and takes him home for some hotness in set 85 I believe.


Gotta go with longer comics, weekly sets are nice in it's capacity to cram more short stories in a month but I think most would be willing to sacrifice weekly content for comics that could go more in depth with their stories


While I do like a good long running story, I prefer short and quick to digest comics a bit more


They would still mostly be individual stories, so not something you'd have to know other stories for to have it make sense. Just two or three times longer than the average weekly set.

Danny Castle

While you're thinking about making longer running comics, please consider the idea to continue your older stories (not just Hannah). I'm talking about Anna's day or Jessy and Belle. I think these have great potential and would be awesome if they could return.