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So this is how it all started.. but how does it end with Lilly?!




I'm guessing the flower blooming is gonna give Lily some power boost to get the upper hand or the feds are gonna show up to arrest this guy


Well, I think the bad guy will shoot Lily but the bullet will ricochet and hits the bad guy in the forehead...


That and empower every woman in the city.


So obviously Lilly can take getting shot, you leave at with a gun to her head and she might be out cold. Still not good , Lilly is either a superwomen like others you have. here is a storyline Lilly and Victoria causing havoc for the bad guys, and have Victoria in Lilly's story now. 2 supergirls they can lift an Elephant any truck building they want to and women wanting them let's see where that storyline takes you. Hannah might feel left out of all the fighting and lifting Hannah and Lilly ??? Muscle power and beauty. I know i'm happy