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Samuel E. N. Furlano

Yay :D! Happy Ending. But you were right, by page 198, I was like "Here we go :P". But overall, I really liked this story. Their date out on the town was very cute and playful. Reminded me of anime (huge anime fan, sorry lol). But yes, another beautiful chapter in the great book of RoboLord.


When do we get Lee and Lexi making out?

Kim Danver

Awesome comic and story. 👍 Very good surprise to discover Lee in civilian clothes, especially with her high heels, that made her so sexy ! 😍 But I'm a little disappointed that I didn't see more Lee's display of strength... 😕


Amazing work my friend.


Really great stuff


Awesome stuff can’t wait for the next one you got cookin’ up


OMG, this comic is awesome.


What a glorious story! Simply fantastic in every way and outside of Hannah vs Ivana and Victoria and Emma mending their relationship, my favourite work of yours and honestly, if not for the greater story of the Hannah-verse, it might actually beat them if all 3 comics were standalone … well, the Vicky/Emma comic wouldn’t work as standalone of course. 😅 For a patreon focused on hot and most of the time, buff women being sexy in some shape or way, I never expected to find such great stories like this one and yet here we are. Yes, this comic has a lot of eye candy too, both in the traditional way and female muscle women related ones like feats or borderline body worship and also the fact that Lee is one of your hottest characters so far and I dare to say, the hottest redhead (Well, far less competition unlike with blondes 😜), but the storyline is by far the strongest part of this comic … which is not an easy task looking at Lee’s incredible strength! And the characters, they all feel so alive, and I am not just talking about Lee! From Robert who like Lee is treading a difficult balance between a marine in training and his personal life which is a lot more complex than you would suspect, supporting characters of various kind like the compassionate but technically slightly corrupt Grace or the rational and fair captain Chambers even if he does feel unfair at times until you sit back for a half minute, think over and have to admit that life and the situation is simple cruel like that or even the fellow non ass hole marines who have their own little quirks and relationships with each other and finally the trio of antagonists, with for me at least a surprise, most hated character in Colton. Hakes might be a grade a bastard who abuses his power and while Troy might not be your usual dumb muscle brute, but more like an annoying pest, Colton really made everything personal. But of course, Lee takes the crown with her long struggle of over 300 pages with a rather unexpected, but yet extremely satisfying conclusion. Just turning her into an elite marine, who somehow managed to endure Hakes would have been pretty boring in retrospect and never mind that such a career has very negative influences on her private life aka simply having mostly none anymore. Now that she (and Robert) is free again, the story can follow so many different paths … and since I write this comic so damn late (Life was/is incredible busy for me), I already can confirm that her story continues and in a very promising way too! Such an exciting story and to think my more horny side still gets full satisfaction too because holy fuck, I know over 300 pages long, but you still managed to pack in so many hot scenes too, but at the same time, avoided to degrade the seriousness of the overall topic, in fact they even enhance it since love life is also part of the private life, even if Lee did not had much time to explore that … yet. 😜 Since I am already starting to talk about scenes and I already told most of my general thoughts by now, I will just move to my many many many favourite pages which allows me to address specific scenes more directly anyway. Since the first 49 pages were already created before and I already wrote comments about those, I will start page 56, but I do have to point out I noticed the improved lightning inside the shower scene which looks much better now. A bit weird page to have a favourite, but I really like the human side of Lee which gets displayed here. Yeah, she might be an absolutely insanely buff person whose muscles far surpass any woman and all but the most roided out guys too, while also displaying feats going into the low superhuman category, but that’s the thing, only “low” and even then, super strength and endurance won’t help vs emotional stress and damage anyway. And this page really shows that even this super amazon is slowly crumbling against the sheer bullshit vs Hakes. Like jeez, just look at her absolutely gigantic arms and never mind the rest of her amazing body and yet we see Lee tired and slightly defeated. Big fan of the pages 58-60 which I will group together otherwise I will end up writing a novella for a freaking review comment at this rate! By now it should be obvious that Robert stands out from the other marines based on his previous appearances and him being all reserved or rather overwhelmed by the sheer power and energy of Lee, but I really like you decided to flesh out the characters too. It is just 3 pages, but they did a great job, especially since latter pages continue to keep making them their own little characters. Yeah, they might not matter that much to Lee’s story, but it is nice to see not everyone, but the love interest being a bastard or the opposite and have them act like the biggest fans or supporters of the protagonist, but instead are simple their own people, living their own story which crossover with Lee’s from time to time. Lmao and I already feel be bad for laughing at page 62. It might be harassment, but the sheer audacity to pull this off deserves a tiny little bit of respect … until you remember is it one of many attacks on poor Lee and even if the damage is little, it stacks up over time. God, I would love to see Lee’s expression in page 65, but I can somewhat guess it … maybe. Maybe just a regular, but firm look because she and everyone else knows how obvious the situation and correct her statement is or maybe it is defiance because of the sheer bullshit river which comes out of Colton the whole time. Honestly, I think it is the former since it fits her mostly professional attitude better because even after reading the whole comic, I don’t think anyone else could have done a better job against the sheer displayed injustice featured thought the whole story anyway. … and good god, how the fuck does Colton manage that smug smile in front of the incredible Lee! I mean just look at that massive arm which reminds me a statement which was stated in page 286. Girl is so damn impressive, even with handicap she could beat up multiple guys. I love her intense stare in page 67 so much! Firm and determined, but otherwise not many emotions because a little shit stain like Colton does not deserve much more reaction from an amazoness like Lee. And once, liking the background marines too. Lmao, “girl”. Page 70 really made me laugh there. Since I am not a native English speaker, I always have to remember not to use the word girl while at the same time trying to use synonyms to keep the text fresh, so seeing Troy, even with his own impressive size, use it to belittle the equally … no, even more impressive Lee considering factors like muscle definition or the difference between genders, amuses me a lot. And my horny side loves the pages 73 and 74 while it curses the next two pages after those. Pumping and/or flexing muscles acting like a mini and temporary fmg is one of my favourite things. Lee’s story is mostly realistic and yet I can still enjoy something like “fmg” since it is so close for me even if others might disagree there. … gods, I wonder if she could have destroyed her sleeve from sheer flexing if not for fucking Hakes ruining this moment. Is that a guy a freaking robot for ruining such an intense and exciting moment?!? Well, your average ai is probably more compassionate than him for sure. I am a creep for enjoying page 80? Which says a lot of your excellent storytelling that I actually feel dirty now despite seeing lots of exposed Lee tits and abs by now. Like those are some of the most amazing abs you have done so far, and her tits looks magnificent too, but boy does this feel wrong this time around. I want to strangle Hakes so much in page 88. Lee’s lies on the floor and Colton stands and yet he assumes the former is the aggressor and being from the weaker gender, got her ass whopped. But at the same time, Robert earned a lot of respect of mine now. Not only was he sleeping, he was sleeping in the top of a bunk bed making his obvious lie even more ridiculous but also so much more charming. A single page and my emotions are feeling like in a total rollercoaster right now between anger for Colton and admiration for Robert. And page 90 earns another huge respect wave for Robert. :saluting_face: … damn, no proper windows salute emoji so I guess a classic o7 must be do it. Okay, for such a serious, depressing and anger inducing situation, the sight and behaviour of Lee in page 96 made me chuckle here. A single flexed biceps got as much muscle mass as the whole body of Grace and yet she sits reserved and mumbles a “Nothing” like a small child who tries to cover lies … but sadly, not her own. Holy shit, what a body in the next page! 😍 I mean the next pages got incredible views on her too, but I like the first one the most already for offering us a front view of her absolutely amazing body! Relaxed biceps’s head which would dwarf all but the biggest guys and even those who might be bigger like Troy, no one could come close to her sheer rippedness of her muscles. Her abs look magnificent too and those mini armour plates made me once ask if Lee was more ripped/buffer than your other amazons and you confirmed that back then which makes sense since she wants to become a marine. But my favourite part is her incredible chest, both her massive and firm tits and behind them are sitting some of the most impressive pecs you have done so far too. Honorary mention for page 103 In a past comment I already mentioned I like the captain for being a proper counterpart to Hakes’s bullshit, so reading his last speech bubble felt pretty bad because you know he is completely right since that guy is somehow always right. Well, didn’t earned that rank by doing nothing, I guess. Loving that small smile which Lee expresses in 106 while Robert continues being the second-best character and, in some pages even surpasses Lee. Also liking how one of the reasonable marines is letting a small laugh out too. Like I said before, it is not much, but it does make them feel alive. God dammit, I want to punch Hakes in the face for page 112 … I mean, all of his appearances warrant it, but some do it more like this one. Such an incredible ass and that little asshole insults it! Holy shit, page 120 is just absurdly hot. Her muscles might be amazing, but her tits can easily keep up in sheer awesomeness, especially those insanely impressive areola and nipples! And page 124 is a nice counterpart for more rational side. Lee, an around 2-meter-tall super amazon, apologizing and acting all tiny in front of Robert despite being like twice, if not even thrice as big as him in fact! … but my more horny side feels the need to mention how puffy her nipples are here. I mean he did interrupt her during a very private season. 😅 Respect for the side marines to give room to our emerging pairing in page 129. Funny, I think you once mentioned to me that Lee is supposed to be “less beautiful” than your other amazons with stuff like more blemishes … and yet she looks like an angel in page 135. And that expression! I know in the current discord discussion about Lee vs Lexi, many mention Lee’s own most impressive cuteness, but looks like Lee might able to keep up with her. And good god, page 148 makes her, but also Robert look even cuter! Woman looks like she could punch thought that brick wall behind them and yet she acts like a vulnerable little girl in love and that statement is not even so off to be fair. Hell, even Robert is pretty damn swole and basically total Chad material and yet he acts equally as charming as her! Well, you can probably guess my opinion about page 149, 150 and 151. 😜 But I need to point out I like her all proud and even a little bit smug expression in the last of this trio of pages even more than the actual deed. Lee deal with so much shit so it is really nice and refreshing to see her in control for once. And I mean in utter control and not some kind of act of defiance against Hakes or Colton. Just her and having fun with her future man. With such a serious and emotional story, it is nice to see some classic humour with the page 154 too. … and holy shit, that view on her cleavage and pecs is just off the charts! 😍 I might have just praised Robert’s body, but dayum, it is pretty obvious who got the better and even more impressive chest when you remember that Lee’s magnificent bust tries its best to hide her equally amazing pectorals. Lmao, the pages 156 and 157 keep me laughing. Sometimes simply stating the truth is all need to do to dish out and that “Cause I’m freaking broke” while wearing a big smile is such a random, but hilarious statement in such a serious story. Also, it is really nice to see her smile so often … especially since we need to sustain on those few looking at the rest of the story. Nice, I and Robert are on the same wavelength looking at page 160. 😅 And holy shit, the pages 161 and 162 are a very strong contenders for my overall favourites of this insanely long and yet extremely high-quality story! 😁 Finally, the big kiss is happening and holy fuck, Robert looks so tiny compared to her, except he is not tiny and instead she is just that impressive! Damn, her tits are so huge, they could hit his chin if he was not busy looking at the love of his life! Holy shit, the pages 170 and 171! A quick googling says a diesel truck engine can weight over 300kg and considering this is a military one, I am being generous and say 350-400kg! And jesus christ, those biceps! As someone who got the biceps as their favourite muscles and also love a reasonable use of veins, those pages score a total jackpot for me! I am not sure how efficient this lifting technique is at applying ones of strength, but I am 99% certain you need a crane for what is Lee is doing so Hakes seems to be full of bullshit … or I am simple not an engineer and got no clue and maybe 2-3 people working together might pull of it. And speaking of the devil, once again he ruins an incredible scene be interrupting it early on top of his presence being unwelcome in general. Still, I dislike Colton for his near universal presence being a fellow marine, more. Damn, the pages 185 and 186 are another strong contender as overall favourite. First of all, this is the first time we truly see something backfiring on Hakes. Second, it is a great call back of Lee’s humble origin as a mere weekly comic. And third, even without context this is an incredible scene and feat. Also, loving her extremely satisfied grin in page 186. Might not be professional but fuck that shit. Fuck of all that at this point. At this point I just want karmic retribution for Hakes and Colton, preferably in fist form because a simple dismissing of their rank or anything like that would not be as satisfying. Page 194 in the meantime is a great example for Lee’s more softer side. Woman is about to lift a fallen over tree, even if its “light” for tree standards but once again she acts all cute, vulnerable and even small with her reserved pose. The biceps flexes of the previous pages were already most impressive, but Lee’s had to one up it with the pages 204 and 205, doesn’t she? 😁 Robert sitting on his ass, borderline trapped, but not physically, but trapped by that incredible view while Lee performs another great clothing destruction feat. Also, a bit big fan of the visible ripped clothing pieces hanging from her waist instead of disappearing. Such a long comic and yet so much care for each render. God, I love her pose in page 210 so much! 😍 Simply playing with her Robert while being in utter control. Also, pants and exposed upper body is one of my favourite “clothing” combos. Hot, but also insanely badass and a badass warrior amazon she is. And page 214 keeps up the hype with Lee’s lifting him up like a toy and shove his dick inside her mouth like nothing! Holy shit, page 222 is definitely worthy being the climax of such an amazing scene or scene in general when I consider the build up with their forest walk. The huge and ripped Robert just looks so tiny compared to her and yet he is not. He is a fully fleshed out adult and his dick not only fucked Lee, it came inside of her now! And as cherry on top of this incredible cake, his head gets pressed into her magnificent breasts! What a lucky guy! Normally I would say lucky bastard, but Robert is far from one. 😅 Gods, they look so cute together in page 233! And to think robolord is about to unleash a full gut punch on us poor readers instead of Hakes or Colton. 😢 Evil robolord. 😭 Mad respect for Robert for page 242. Lee could beat up 5 Roberts and yet here he is, standing his ground in front of that towering amazon! Yes, she might our main character, but damn did she fucked up here. And curse you, Robolord for throwing that low blow in already such an intense story. 😭 Holy fuck and I normally reserve “Holy fucks” for incredible hot pages, but Hakes really did it this time in page 250! 😡 I know many muscle women story writers only write one paragraph to build up a villain who suffers multiple pages which is for me very bad story writing, so seeing the opposite, having the vast majority of the story to build the assholeness of the antagonist for an incredible satisfying payout is such a refreshing change. Good god, I am fuming when I think about this guy. And I might be a pacifist who likes his amazon cute, wholesome or simply nice while sub/dom is not necessary part of that equation, but that punch page felt so damn amazing! 👊 And page 256 makes me feel very emotional and looking at poor Lee, her too. Crying while breaking down despite the other soldiers letting her free already. Everything is fucked and she let fully loose for the first time in 250 pages of bottled-up rage and frustration. While not necessary favourite page material except the fact Lee utterly towers over him being an amazon, I have mad respect for Captain Chambers in the following scene. Just sheer cold and presence professional with a hint of compassion. Lee fucked up, he knows, she knows it very well too now and it’s not like she was clueless before and all readers should too after this talk. Lmao, page 276 feels so funny to me. I know many people liking their amazons as big as possible, to the point they can no longer move even, but I prefer more realistic sizes and even Lee or rather my taste in general is hardly realistic, so seeing her giant biceps preventing to reach that otherwise reachable keychain is hilarious to me. But looks like those muscles are not for show, because jesus, what an amazing feat with page 280 being my favourite of the whole sequence. Technically still the same situation and pose as before, with the same, no, possible even bigger biceps now because of some serious pumping she did right now and yet she can pull it off because that woman literally bended military grade metal prison bars! Loving those low superhuman feats! Another honorary mention for the side marines in the pages 281 up to 286. Their role is tiny, their appearances are few, but yet I like those guys for not being complete assholes like certain other colleagues and even help out a little here and there … even if one of them tries to act all tough to keep his pride or something like that. 😅 It might be the least intense punch out of the three big punch scenes, but page 292 is definitely my favourite since I hate Colton the most. Slimy little bastard appears nearly as much Robert and every single scene, not even a single reason is shown why he did not deserve this. Yes, Hakes is a coward for using his rank and letting others do the dirty work and also being in charge, he enables all of it, the nearly 300 pages of abuse in the first place, but with Colton it feels more personal. My hatred is far less intense for Troy, but page 295 feels pretty good to me too. Less about rage and injustice, but more about Lee being allowed to establish herself as the alpha woman in the whole setting. … damn, what is with you and interrupting crazy action scenes in this comic, but I think Lee would have legit killed those two if not, so I guess it is for the best. 😅 Once again, mad respect for the captain for page 307. He is a professional, but not a monster either unlike Hakes, so not even an ounce of contempt or anything for Lee and even gives her some answers (and hope). Lmao and finally the story is turning completely around for Lee in page 310! Can’t see Lee’s face but would not be surprised if she has tears of joy here for Robert cracking some joke and him being mostly okay. For a bed ridden man, Robert keeps being a chad looking at the pages 312, 313 and 314. And yes, another big kiss with 315! And finally, as last favourite, the final page 323. Robert with a big grin looking at his dear sister and his love of life … hold up, I formulated that really bad now. Obviously, I mean Lee with the latter and not Lexi too. 😅 Also, two amazons are better than one! What an incredible story and I am so glad you decided to continue their story!