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Drunk amazons can be a bit difficult..



Patrick Schweigardt

I want two drunk amazons please. Three of you have em


Hey, this is great! Super fun story. Drunk amazon who's gorgeous but NOT mean. And FANTASTIC work with the metal deforming/bending AND the light sources! Really fun little comic.


Awesome ... Genius ... Two little nit comments though. 1) I may stand alone on this but not a big fan of platform shoes. Strappy or slimmer heels like the ones worn by the secretary in Weekly Set 76 are much better/sexier IMO ... uhmazing job there btw. 2) would have been fun to see her steps crack the concrete/asphalt as she walked to the next light. Obviously due to her uncontrolled strength in her inebriated state.

Samuel E. N. Furlano

Man, you have one awesome fantasy universe my friend.

Patrick Schweigardt

Handle? No I just want them to run loose while I watch. Then they take me home with them

Kim Danver

Exciting mini comic. One of your best. The character is really strong and sexy ! It deserves a sequel to see what she will do next.


I love all the creative ways you find to depict hyper strong women in an average world

Elek Szerep

She is a cute drunk. She looks amazing, nice one Robo.