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Maybe these girls are slightly out of touch..



Elek Szerep

They are so adorable. Great work. I love that pose on the last picture.

Richard Marous

Good story! Does it continue?

Rainer Kurth

I guess, this is my favorite story now.


Great story! These girls need a follow up. Pretty please?


Hmm, I think it's quite finished but how would you like it to continue?

Jason White

This was so sexy! A possible continuation could be then finding Berry’s mom?


Hehe, that was so adorable 🐉 ⚔️👍🏼 You always get me laughing and enjoying these stories. I can’t wait what up next.


Some part of me wants to make sexy stuff, but some other part wants to make funny stuff :P


A very lovely comic and I admit I was surprised how it turned out! When I first saw it in the comic poll, I expected a pure humiliation comic which combined how my first vote (muscle women hiding her bulk) not making the cut made me not look forward to it, but instead I love this story. Two magnificent looking twins with some rather stark differentiating personalities, resulting in an unexpected light-hearted and hilarious storyline. Also, loving the fantasy setting. While I prefer present inspired times the most, some fantasy or maybe some sci fi is always a welcome break. Well, nothing else comes to my mind right now, so time for my favourite pages. First one is the first page of course. Our “heroic” main character shows off and tells his incredible tale to this insanely hot tavern wench while I am 99% certain she is sarcastically listening to him. … and damn, this woman is hot. She might not have muscles, but her beauty somewhat rivals the two female lead characters … are they all related? It is a different blonde hue, and their faces don’t look very related tho. Well, still a hottie. 😛 And the next one must be the third page. Here we have our female main characters and holy shit, they look incredible and the fact there are two of them makes it even better! 😍 Easily some of your best weekly characters yet. And only 3 pages in and already the first of many feats in this comic. Casual bending of a sword while just using a few fingers and not even proper grab it. Why did you made the dragon so freaking cute! I have a hard time to decide if the white clad amazoness or Berry is more adorable in this page and for the rest of the comic too. 😅 And jeez, what a view on the other amazoness whose outfit backside look even more impressive, and I say this as a breast-man who prefers the front normally. Her back strikes the perfect balance between massive and ripped here. When I first saw page 7, I didn’t think anything special about it yet, but when in page 13 Berry bites the exposed arms of the other amazon, I ask me how much power this little thump sound might have all along, especially since the scaly skin of this dragon and its durability is the big plot point of this comic … or maybe I am just reading too much into it. 😅 Still a very cute page. Lmao, page 11 is incredible! The choice between dragon or an amazon as opponent is a magnificent idea. … of course, horny old me would pick amazon despite her instantly folding me. 😛 2 seconds more amazon is 2 seconds more amazon after all. 😅 Free first punch to the chiselled abs might be an old and common trope with muscle women stories, but I still love it regardless and it’s not like you using overusing it. In fact, I can’t even remember if you ever used it before. And page 13 goes even further with the feats of durability. I really wonder if other people would have kept their hand if that happened to them. Really enjoying page 14, but for some rather silly reason. The way how the darker clothed amazon’s massive arms and bust are positioned. Nobody would do the double first thing right in front of the chin … but how many are so freaking busty like her? Always nice to see how even rather mundane things might differ with huge amazons. Lol, all the boys are down in page 16. Doesn’t matter if man or dragon, nobody can stand up to an amazon. Very entertaining comic.


Maybe evil ogres try to damage the inn or a larger group of knights are bad behaving inside the inn, and the girls punish them.