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In all honesty Lilly barely realizes she is growing, it's only the things around her that confront her with the fact she is getting bigger and that just doesn't make sense in her mind. She's still the same as far as she knows!




Lilly still has an awesomely beautiful heart and doesn’t know how physically strong. She could have really hurt that…that woman! Hopefully she will be more careful with her new power and buy herself newer outfits but she’s growing bigger and stronger very minute. 😁

Bernard Phillips

Dang stupid cliffhangers 🤯, love me some Lilly. Great work...still waiting on you know who🤔💪🔥😜

Kim Danver

Awesome update. Lilly looks perfect and so sexy at this size. I also loved the way she realize how strong she becomes.


Finally, some free time again after the whole exam business and boy, so much content was waiting here for me! Including not just one, but two new parts of the lovely flowershop comic. Watching Lilly transforming from a sweet flower of a human to a mighty amazon who knows what she wants is very exciting to follow. Not even fully aware of the whole situation of their shop since Julia is the boss and tries to keep the bad news away from her, to dominating but also protecting the one who used to be in charge. But hopefully, she won’t do a 180 turn tho and pages like 66 or just the whole container lifting scene makes me optimistic she remains a sweet and gentle girl. Also, jeez. Lilly is brutally strong if she “only” looks like a light fbb and can lift a container like that with no issues. The strongest do and don’t amazons so far can lift excavators without issue so I can only image how freaking strong Lilly will be when she reaches a level of muscularity as them. Maybe lifting and moving the flower shop to a better suited place to attract customers. 😇 Well, got nothing else to say about the story itself for now, so time for my favourite pages. First one would be page 52. A single leg of Lilly was already bigger than both of Julia’s juicy pair combined and now there was another growth spurt and boy, they starting to deserve word massive than rather big now. Can’t blame Julia to drop her attention and just grab a feeling of that tree trunk … and considering the next pages, that fucking customer didn’t deserve a good service anyway. And the best part of this page? Not only use does Lilly provide a fantastic view, so does Julia too. Her own long legs, that thick ass and her huge bust. Easily one of your best-looking characters yet. I am not sure if I can mention page 54 as “favourite”, but I still must mention it because holy shit, is it relatable. Just what the fuck is wrong with some people. … well, we also get another fantastic view on Julia’s ass and this time Lilly’s cannonball cheeks too. Those pants were probably normal looking with barely any exposed skin not long ago, but with Lilly’s insane and still changing body, her body will create a great or rather even better sight. Even ignoring the hot amazoness (which is pretty dang hard 😜), page 55 is so damn satisfying. The rude customer being lifted up to eye level, Lilly’s first angry expression and the utter shock of Julia creates a fantastic picture. Just hope there won’t be any lasting consequences or at least legal ones because i kind of would like the idea of this bitch growing too, tries to get revenge, only to run into an even bigger Lilly if that was a possible consequence. Loving that little exchange in page 58. Looks like those gals are already getting comfortable to their changed future and Lilly just being so protective of Julia is so sweet! Also, Julia, Lilly already took out the trash. God, I am so unfunny. 😂 I know people preferring amazons doing impossible tasks and so on, but I really like how small the trash bag appears in page 59. Just sitting on a single hand palm of the huge Lilly. And another small but satisfying moment is page 60 because of Lilly’s thought train while looking at the container in front of her. Except maybe page 27, everything which happened so far, could have been done by a top tier strong guy, but you just know, the story is about to enter the true amazonian territory of feats and sizes. Of course, page 63 had to be next favourite. The deed is done, and Lilly is officially a full blown amazon now with exceptional height, curves, muscles and now strength. Lilly’s conflicting feelings and thoughts are very entertaining now. Her still trying to deny something is off with the whole situation, but even she knows now that it is bullshit and should starting to accept it. Okay, the pages 65 and 66 are definitely my favourite moments so far. All pretences are dropped, and Lilly embraces her new amazonian identity since Julia already did. And as old softie, sweet moments like page 66 are the best! 😁 Damn, that page 69! Lilly is magnificent … well even more than usual. 😅 Her legs are straight up colossal here while her massive ass and wide back look gigantic too. And on top of it, our sweet Lilly is again taking the charge from Julia by undressing the later. And the best part of this page? I think Julia is finally starting to grow too now … or I am fully stuck in stage 3 of bargaining. 😅 Her stomach looks pretty toned now and while overall her tits are pretty perky, they still respected gravity to a certain degree but in this page, even without bra they look like firm and big globes. Lol, the last page is amazing, but also hilarious too. Lilly’s stamina is 100% of amazonian level too now while the poor Julia looks like a wreck. … but for a wreck, Julia still looks stunning. Yeah, I am still a Julia fanboy despite her not being an amazon (yet). 😇 Looking forward how their story and especially bodies keeps developing!