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Go ahead, guess, what option did he choose? :P




Love attribute theft ones! And this was a very fun concept!


muscle theft!!! thanks robo!!!


Bravo !!! Size and strength transfer stories are my #1 favorite!!! Thank you, Thank You Thank You!!!

Rainer Kurth

Is he calling the cops?


A very awesome weekly and I say this as someone who is at minimum neutral on muscle draining or even dislike it depending on the personality of the drainer. The neutral stems from the feeling of it being “cheap” or ”undeserved” and unlike a regular fantasy or sci fi fmg story, someone or even multiple people who actually did worked for it to varying degrees, have their progress taken which makes it worse unlike the latter two which I always tend to enjoy. And I start disliking it when all that power goes straight to the head of the thief and starts doing despicable things, especially if against the drained people who also didn’t do anything wrong in the first place. But this woman is just having fun and reveals a nice twist on this trope of storytelling too: It doesn’t always have to be one way (permanent) street. The fact that this direction might allow some over the top sex between two buff peak humans and/or even superhumans in a hopefully second part is very welcome too and if this story does indeed reappear in the upcoming weekly, it might be the first drain story I will vote for. Oh, also the female deuteragonist of this story is very cute but also incredible hot looking as another big positive. That cuteness pairs really well with her more “reasonable” muscle size and height too. Well, reasonable compared to most of the weekly ladies lately. 😅 The body of a ripped amazoness with the face of a sweet angel with a certain feeling that “maybe” someone like her could exist. Also, as lover of contrasts, for me cuteness is often associated with petiteness, but yet even before her growth, she is still tall lady with a decent amount of curves and that difference is only getting literally bigger with the developing story. Well, got nothing else to say so time for my favourite pages and the first one had to be page 1. There she is, our cute black-haired angel and wearing a sexy and revealing black tank top and a rather mundane skirt, but it does show off her lovely long legs while upholding a ridiculous “Free hugs” shield. In the meantime, the narrator speech bubbles hype the story up a lot because as I said before, fmg drain stories always play out the same, so my attention was immediately grabbed here. That second page is just adorable, but yet at the same time hot too. A nice hug in the middle of a pedestrian path involving a sweet woman, who also happens to be so damn tall, the guy could rest his head at her bust, but doesn’t do it because this is supposed to a wholesome moment and not something dirty. There is another nice thing about this scene: In real life tall women always seem to be so concerned about their height despite so many fans existing and it is nice to know that this woman doesn’t have that issue. Jeez, what a fantastic looking midriff in page 3! From hiding her normal stomach behind a sign in the first page, to fully showing off her stunning and toned one just two pages later. Between this and the fact she watches the main character in the next two pages despite hugging someone else, makes me she does everything on purpose to have some fun specifically with him since it appears, only he resisted her offer making him possible intriguing in her eyes. And with page 5 she finally reaching a really nice size. From toned to downright buff and fbb sized while she got tits of such size, you will have to rest your head on them because there is simple no space left anymore. 😜 The growth sequences in the pages 8 up to 10 and 10 to 13 are fantastic and the fact our “heroic” protagonist tried to save the “foolish victims” makes it even better. From a still very realistic big to proper huge, but still far from the unreasonable. From so big, even two people combined look tiny next to her. And I just love how the clothes adjust her get growth spurt. Her previous normal dress which now looks like a short skirt, is being pulled up and reveals her massive boulders of ass cheeks while the tank top strips are about to rip apart and are so thin, they couldn’t even hide her nipples anymore. Also, the reverse situation with the two strangers looks really cool since by now I know how the story develops as a whole and I have an easier time to appreciate the effects and physics applied here. Lol, I just love page 14. Our nameless lady is bigger than any women on the planet and all, but the biggest guys could compare to her either now and yet he is yelling at her. Even ignoring her draining powers, threatening her seems like a fucking awful idea. Guy has guts and considering the amazon is smiling, maybe she enjoys it too. And wow, that skirt! I can’t believe I have to say this but curse her massive tree trunks legs and thighs because I really want to know if her private parts are visible now despite the fact that this is a “normal sized” skirt. And because of the plot twist, the pages 18 up to 20 are my by far favourite of this comic and unless you reveal some really genius non futa option (You do split ideas again, right? Poll is a lot more interesting that way) in the next weekly poll (and assuming this story does appear again), I will vote for it, and this would be the first time for me to vote on a drain story. In the previous page the huge lady becomes really fucking swole and starts rivalling some of the really big ladies in the other weeklies of late, only to get back to old size which I praised in the beginning too while the drained but previously decently fit MC, becomes buff and looking at his crotch, is packing a big toy for our drainer now. Still not gay, but I like the idea of big guys more and more … but only if they have some awesome scenes with a similar or even bigger woman since it allows the latter to go all out without fear of breaking something … or someone. 😅 An awesome weekly and the first drain story I will put into my favourite muscle art folder.


Hmm, so they ultimately recover after the draining. Awfully considerate of her, but what's she taking the size for to begin with I wonder?