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Next week we'll truly find out it's not just Lilly's body that's growing :)

All pages can be downloaded below, some conversation has been reworked in earlier pages :)




🙌 Lilly is definitely looking healthier. Wow! Lilly isn’t noticing her super strength. How can Lilly be in total denial about her supergirl changes?


Hmm. I'll explain it a bit like this. The flower changes a person's body but also it's perception of the surroundings. It's like when you were young child, you were a lot smaller, yet it's incredibly hard to remember how the world looked from your smaller point of view. You'd need to make a conscious effort to do so. Lilly is slowly noticing she is a lot stronger, but the same thing applies. You are vastly stronger then you were at 10 years old. But that just seems natural. If you work out a lot you consciously keep track of your strength, so you notice when you get stronger. Once again Lilly is simply not consciously thinking about that she used to be weaker, the only way she can figure it out is by simply being confronted by tasks which used to be harder for her now becoming easier.


What a lovely but also smoking hot series! I might have seen how the idea was suggested on discord and later a few teaser pics there too, but it is so much better to the see final results. Speaking of the idea, I really like this particular take of the usual rather standard approach on FMG. Cursed/blessed statues, a growth serum mixed into the food/water on purpose/by mistake, travelling somewhere like into the amazon rainforest or other exotic places and something happens there, but instead actually taking something from the forest but more importantly, putting it right in the middle of civilized space is rare since it will cause mass growth and not just one or two chosen main characters. And about the main characters, they are such a wholesome couple! 🥰 Lilly a cute, naïve, and maybe a bit of an airhead blonde while Julia is looking and acting like the more mature one of their relationship. Design wise, I definitely prefer Julia who in contrast to my usual taste of tomboyish short up to shoulder length hair, has a bit longer one but it is neatly put together as a hair knot while lovely bangs flank her stunning face. She also reminds me of the very recent beautiful amazon in that new year’s resolution weekly too who I praised a lot back then. Skin-tight jeans, midriff exposing and with a very generous view on her bust, top piece and that is even compared to Lilly’s tanktop which only appeared smaller and smaller the bigger Lilly became but yet I prefer Julia’s. Tits so big, each one would require two hands to grasp them, long legs, an ass which stands equal to her amazing bust and as a whole, she got an amazing hourglass shape. All that is missing are some rock hard and big muscles. 😉 Of course, Lilly is awesome too and many of the positives I mentioned, apply to her too. Well, I got not much else to say, since the story is rather new and also last week, I didn’t comment but in return, I will mention my favourites from both parts now. But first of all a honorary mention to page 1, because wow, that shop looks insane! I would totally love to visit it, even if the workers there weren’t angels already. 😀 Okay, the first proper favourite is the second one tho. Both main characters are already present and wow, they look fantastic! In case of Julia, even despite her sad expression. And I just love how she managed to throw a joke into such a difficult situation for them … I think it was a joke. 😅 Damn you, page 4. I am supposed to feel sad here, but Julia looks so damn good, and I think this time it is because of her sadness. The situation hits both of them and yet Julia thinks only of her poor Lilly! 😢 … how the fuck do they have so few costumers if you could run into such an amazing cleavage in their shop and it’s not like Lilly is lacking up there either. Julia might be definitely the smart and “adult” one in their relationship, but boy does she look cute in page 7! Standing proper on only one leg, somewhat rubbing her hands next to each other and the first speech bubble was likely said in a rather meek tone too. Julia is just far too cute in this page! But jesus, despite the overwhelming cuteness, so is her sexiness! I still think you are clearly a titsman, Robo, but wow, Julia looks gifted down there! Of course her bust is absolutely amazing too and while I already noticed it in the previous pages, she really got some puffy and big nipples ... and I can’t believe how after two parts, we still haven’t seen her magnificent gazoongas in their full glory yet. 😡 I guess “Saving the best for last” really applies here. 😜 Jeez, the pages 9 and 10 are an incredible and such a diabetes inducing pair! It might be a hot lesbian scene, especially page 9, but at the same time, they really seem to be a loving and caring couple and page 10 does an even better job at showing it. Okay, page 12 is the first time in which Lilly stole my attention first. From slightly shorter/about even to her Julia, to clearly taller, her limbs are covered in small but noticeable muscles everywhere and her toned stomach would make most gymgoers jealous already. Holy fuck, Lilly, this amount of cuteness should be illegal you are displaying in the pages 16 and 17! Scenes likes this alone should be enough to have a storm of costumers unless they aren’t immoral and petty like my horny self and wouldn’t go so low in return. Well, well, well, what a pleasant surprise in page 18! I hoped for it and my wish was granted. 😇 I am 99% sure Grace is the nurse from do and don’t 3 and boy, even without overwhelming muscles, she looks incredible! And damn, is Lilly actually growing all the time even without the obvious growth spurt from physical work later in this comic, because she already looks a bit bigger and even buffer here than in the previous pages? The fact, her tank top is being pulled up, does suggest it. Sounds weird, but I really love page 19. Lilly already has a certain amazonian charm to her already and watching her carry these fragile roses, creates a nice contrast and I just love contrasts. Page 22 is so damn relatable, I bet that even includes the transport guys being sneaky and quiet ninjas despite bringing so many heavies things. And boy, the sunlight does an excellent job at highlighting Lilly’s legs! I might enjoy stunning non buff women, but page 27 reminds me of the real reason I am here: Exceptional buff and strong muscle women! Those seem to be 50 litre potting soils bags which weight around 20kg each and Lilly, who is maybe on the level of a crossfit women and not even light fbb, is lifting 7 of them with one hand and doesn’t even struggle! Hell, she looks like she could lift twice as much with a single arm if she wanted. Makes me curious of all do and don’t amazons are so freaking strong or if Lilly and Julia being at the centre of amazonian “plague” are further enhanced. God, that Lilly in page 28! She looks so fucking build, she might as well be painted on with white colour and you could try to fool people into believing she is a greek statue showcasing the peak of human perfection! From praising to Julia to switching to team Lilly, I am so shallow. 😅 Clearly, you must fix it by making them both swole so I can go “judge” by their personality. 😜


Are you on holidays in school, by any means? It just seems that you have a severe need to write essays)