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So this was pretty much a exercise in writing I suppose? 

Any thoughts about doing the text like this rather then on the image? Might keep it all a bit cleaner. Would love to hear any opinions!



I. Nobes

This way of doing text is good for this type of story perspective. Keep experimenting I say


I personally prefer it on the image myself, can;t say why tough. It just reads better to me.


I love it!


Fantastic second part to your already fantastic first part of your very first POV story and I am also very surprised to see this post at all. After releasing the big main comic, I assumed you would take a small break and might even delay the last weekly … and instead the weekly arrived as usual and this random and big work was released so soon too. 😅 But I am not sure if I like the new text format. Even after rereading the story, it feels quite detached from the art and I assume you did that change so the reader can have the full experience of your fantastic renders without being distracted by big white and black boxes but the placement and sizes of the speech, thoughts and description boxes in part 1 didn’t felt distracting and in regular comics in general either. We got the whole package of that beautiful amazon in each page and I do not really care about her furniture and interior design of her apartment. 😛 Well, enough negativity now since I love the story itself and the art is magnificent, which get further enhanced by those close up viewpoints and specific angles maximizing the sheer superiority of that amazon compared to the normal sized main character/reader of the story. Most of your amazons are literally amazons with their height and I assume even the smallest women are still above 1.8 meter tall, but this comic does a so much better at showing it off. While part 1 gave us some taste of it, you have now nearly every page being mostly taken up by that goddess. Since I am already talking about the art, I might as well describe my favourite pages now since it is easier to explain why I like the POV elements. First one would be page 11, the first page of this new post for giving us such a strong opening. Last part ended with a big cliff hanger of the pov character lying on his back while the amazon strips herself nude, revealing her most glorious body. And now, this incredible body sits on top of us, flexing the biggest biceps this guy will ever see while eight cobblestone abs and two magnificent mounds greet us. She herself might be captivated by that incredible arm too and looks away from us for now but the MC still gets a fantastic side view on her beautiful face. In the meantime, the description of her flexing and unflexing giant biceps while confidently praising herself makes the whole page even better. Holy shit, that second page or rather page 12! This is what I mean with showing off her insane dimension. “Our hand palm” is just enough big enough to cover a single ab cube of her and she got freaking eight of them! Literally a paved street but hard as steel instead of stone. 😜 And what is better than one giant biceps flex? Two of course! Finally, there is the absurd but very hot view on her underbust and face. A good chunk of her face is covered just because her tits and pectorals give zero fucks about gravity. The description is also a nice reminder that those steel-like muscles must be still nice to feel because with the various insane feats of strength and durability of your characters, you can sometimes forget it, like for example when Amy crushed that plate on her impressive eight pack. What an insane contrast can be found in page 13. I sometimes mention the sheer difference between insanely hot, most of the time youthful and depending on the person, cute faces compared to the male body builder shaming bodies of your characters, but this page is probably the best example so far yet. Flaring trap muscles, pronounced pecs supporting her incredible bust and bulging biceps trapping our flanks while one of your best faces, featuring plenty all three qualities I mentioned before, smiles at us from extremely up close. No wonder the MC can only bring out the shortest of short answers but his over all described body langue is more than enough to provide a satisfying answer to that goddess. Very nice usage of fading out effect in page 17. While page 16 is already impressive, the following one ups it. You still get the same back double biceps flex and breasts so damn huge, you can still see them from behind but what I really appreciate is the visualization of something which happens quite often with your amazonian characters: The character just passing out from the incredible sex or even sometimes foreplay. Finally, there is the final page as my last favourite. (One day, the dictionary people will send a hit squad on me for mis and overusing that word badly, won’t they?) Such an incredible and downright surreal sight. This weight bar is clearly longer than a regular one and yet it appears strangely small because of the insane number of weight plates on each side, and you also have that huge amazon right below it. Such an absurd work out set up … and yet it appears pathetic compared to her. And speaking of the weights, I enjoy this incredible number of regular plates over a few custom ones because even if they might weight the same amount, the former clearly wins in visuals. Since I enjoy buff women working out and having their bodies pumped as much as I enjoy them having “fun”, this page is an incredible and pleasantly surprising finisher to this comic part. So yeah, I enjoyed this work a lot even if I am bit sceptic about the layout but maybe I just need to get used to it … and I do admit, there is so much hot text, I am not sure how to fit it into the renders without losing out on the incredible and huge body of that amazon which look bigger than ever from so up close.

Elek Szerep

It is a fun story and very hot. I hope you carry on with this one.


I like it on the side like this. Loving this POV story.