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The final part of Belle and Jessy!

Now that I look at it it does kinda need one more image at the end.. will add that tomorrow!



Henk Nijsingh

Great comic, enjoyed it much.

Jason White

Like Belle is gonna listen. Like Jessie doesn’t love it. Pffft!


Very nice post and a great finale to their series. With that ending, their past should be finished now and enters the current lovely, chilled and fuck heavy couple situation. I know their series is over for now, but I hope we see one or more glimpses into the present again after a while, similar how Emily was giving another chance months later despite having her fair share amount of love in the past. Since their relationship is very action packed with matching fantastic visuals, I will just describe my favourite pages from here like the very first one. Despite constant past denying and once again, her mind is running wild with doubts and overthinking the situation, this page really made it crystal clear she is mostly fine and even joys Belle’s heavy-handed approach towards her with her damn dick in full display while being in public. She might be literally hung as a horse, but even longer skirts do exist if she intends not to reward Belle. … but I do wonder how the pedestrians and employees reacted to her amazing physique and third leg before Belle’s approached her and the comic starts. 🤔 Lmao, page 2 is even better. Casual and harmless hypocrisy can really create some funny situations like here or as Hannah has shown in her latest work too. Belle might look like she can successfully arm wrestle the Hulk but in page 1, it was Jesse and her python which grabbed my attention first since only she breaks indecent exposure rules here. And damn, both of them look fantastic here. Belle’s insane body is obvious to everyone, no matter what she would wear … but her current outfit certainly does not help hiding the good parts and in the meantime, Jesse’s dress really shows of her own insane body. Belle might make her look small in comparison, but it does not the fact that Jesse got bulging biceps, well-muscled legs, an insane hourglass figure and each of her tits is bigger than her own head. … here I am talking about Jesse’s body mostly and then you had to drop page 4. I have no clue how she put those pants on in the first place, but that result was expected but also very hot. Just some good old clothing destruction from nothing but a simple flex is very enjoyable since lately your works were rather heavy on feats (I am not complaining about that 😅) and this scene feels even more satisfying because of that. What a cute and ridiculous “No” in page 5. You would think after the gym and restaurant encounters, she would slowly give up but looks like only her dick surrendered so far despite being her most impressive part which can even make Belle pause sometimes. And jesus, Belle is really just self-confidence incarnate. Can we bottle some of it up and give it to Lexi already since there is obviously no shortage here? 😅 Amazons using other people like toys, including other amazons never gets old and I just love the pages 6 to 8. From Jesse flashing her dick to complete nudeness and being turned into a living dildo in just 3 pages while all of it happens in public is just utterly insane … but who would stop that scene anyway? 😅 Page 9 is simple great and Belle’s words made me realise something. For such an amazing pair of legs and ripped ass, we see those strangely rare in action. Poor Jesse, no wonder she looks quite unhappy in the remaining pages of the comics despite her body being in heaven since this is straight up humiliation and no longer just some playful sub dom play. … that conversation in next two pages. I slowly start to ask me if she is broke because she just got no job or from constant repair bills. 😅 And this page really shows off Jesse’s conflict about the whole situation. Clearly unhappy now but her dick speaks another language. Damn, Belle is really a master of hands-free tit fucks since she makes the whole thing so easy looking in the pages 13 and 14, isn’t she? And then you remember the rest of humanity is not as hung as Jesse and you realise, she can not only do a hands-free tit fucks, the average dick would just disappear in her immense bust. Man, I am glad I opened your patreon late. The tit fuck scene might be visually amazing, but you really feel sorry for Jesse in page 14 but luckily page 15 exists. Relationships involve two persons after all and we know from the two present timeline comics, Belle does show more restrains since then. Belle’s confident smile which she wears 99% of the time is gone and truly seems worried and caring about Jesse here. Wholesome relationships are my favourites but it does not mean they can be rocky sometimes. I really enjoyed the whole flashback as a whole and how it set ups and builds towards to the current more mature relationship. And in general, the Belle and Jesse series is one of my favourite weeklies you have so far … which you can notice how I mention nearly every damn page in my favourite pages section. 😅