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Because while growth of a personality or skill is a great thing, growth of a girl is even better!



Patrick Schweigardt

Oh no, hopefully I don't spill this tanker truck full of that stuff into the water supply. Whoops! There it goes


That's probably the reason why the whole Do's and Don'ts series exists! :P

Patrick Schweigardt

Wish I had a big jug of this in real life there are a few girls I know that would love it


Into it!

Matias Fernandes

God has to do a second part is great


please more like this😍😍😍

Davide Di Fabio

that's a great set! more of these please!!!


One of the best looking girls so far, getting the perfect amount of mass. Great work!

Elek Szerep

Love her, brilliant weekly set. Always love some fmg.


Fantastic comic! Was already looking forward to it because the idea is god damn hilarious while giving us a busty chick and later on a ripped amazon on top of it. The characters themselves are funny as hell too. The protagonist is completely in favour of her immense bust to a downright insane degree while her co worker plays the straight (wo)man role. Characters looks great too. I especially like Li, the co-worker with her tom boyish design and hope if there is a part 2, she is allowed to change too. 🙏 And wow, you really went all out with that doctor, both before and after her transformation! Neither Joy and Victoria can keep up with those puppies and they only grew bigger! In the meantime, her new muscles are nearly equally as impressive, and I think only a handful characters can compare to her now. Since, I am already talking about the visuals, I might as well mention my favourite pages like page 1. The MC is stranding straight, chest pushed out while her back hurts and apparently, she is oblivious to the true source of her pain. The other women just dropping any pretences and going straight for the truth is entertaining too, especially since this is just the opening page! Page 2 is just fantastic. She might play the normal person role, but she can’t hide her envy of those monsters and then you have the MC instantly defending her chest without any second thoughts as if that was the most natural thing to do. (On a more serious note, personal health is more important than trying to please a bunch of perverts) The whole sequence from 6-9 is magnificent. Same as in the Ellie weekly, those quad panel renders make the transformation a lot more enjoyable. 4 pages are actually 12, the scene is both very clear appearing and the individual parts are still easy to compare to each other while also being to overwhelm the user with the sheer amount of curves and muscles in each page to some degree. Anyway, the abs, ass and sudden breast expansion are the best parts. In general, your amazonian characters stand on the edge of an insanely impressive but still realistic 8 pack and a fantasy like 10 pack but this character is so huge and ripped, she comfortable enters and stays in the later area. In my opinion that’s a great way to show she is buff even compared to other buff women. Then you have her lovely rear. Thick with an overall pear shape since she an attractive and curvy woman in general and not only a (huge) pair of tits but in page 8 you can observe how the fat is being more and more replaced by steel like muscles since her ass looks tighter with each panel and muscles shapes are appearing on the sides. And finally, the main star: Her breasts! Pectorals and other torso related muscles pushing her incredible bust up was expected but I did not anticipate a growth there too. She went from the bustiest character to the … still bustiest you have do so far but with such a huge lead, I doubt she is going to lose that crown anytime soon. Ending page is great and funny as heck too. Li can’t decide on what to focus as first, only for the main character to point towards her clothes out of all things. But I admit, even her clothing is quite the sight since I assume that top used to hide her immense chest and yet now it can’t even hide her nipples anymore, never mind the other 75% of her bust. The MC proudly smiling and proclaiming she solved her issue is hilarious too. I really hope between the sudden contamination plot point and the fact a second character exist even if that idea could have worked if the MC was alone, suggests you will continue this weekly.

Henk Nijsingh

The pic with the the legs, so creamy and bulgy keeping it femine. Compliments on that.


she's so beautiful please more of her😍😍