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As usual, there's just a big bunch of letter coming below, if you're not interested in that simply enjoy Hannah!

I'd first just like to say that I am somewhat proud of the progress I made recently. More and more I'm starting to implement more complex things in my renders / content. The most visible being more advanced clothing morphs (e.g undressing, stripping etc), and for example Hannah's breasts in the picture above, the way her bicep is actually deforming her breasts. This is obviously only the beginning as far as I'm concerned. There are still a great many things to learn and perfect. And I will get to those in time. I myself feel I am now at a point where my base is very solid and I can really start working on a lot of the details to iron everything out till perfection (well not Hannah of course, she already is perfection, duh).

Now for the main comic series: I will no longer be doing polls about what comic gets made first. The story is set and I plan to pursue that story in the order I have imagined. As I said before it is in the end a slice of life series with the whole amazon theme thrown over it. It is one of the things I like most about it. I feel there are so many domination / muscle growth comics out there that it gets a bit bland after a while. With a slice of life comic series you can convey a great many different situations without it seeming out of place. Especially with a wide variation of characters. I have a great many very sexy ideas lined up. And if I had the time I'd love to show them to all of you in a single month..

That does bring us on the subject of time. Time is something i'm chronically short of when making my content. A 100+ page comic takes a.. staggering amount of time to make. Especially as the scope of it keeps growing bigger and bigger. On the other hand, I will soon be having more time. Dutch laws are a bit time consuming on this subject but I will work my regular day job only 4 days a week from October onward. Simply to have more time to spend on this. Technically this isn't 100% confirmed yet but I'd be very surprised if it didn't go through.

I also want to talk a bit about Lee and Lexi. I am not blind of course. I can also see that those posts get the least likes of all my posts. I can understand that somehow. But obviously I can't know any exact reasons for that unless someone tells me those. Maybe it's the lack of sexual activities? Or the slower nature of the comics? Or maybe even just the format in which they're released? If anyone has any opinions on that I'd love to hear so! If it turns out for example that simply seeing the same thing progress slowly week after week gets a bit old and dull after a while then I'd definitely be willing to just finish the entire comic in one go and open up the Wednesday for something else! However: these comics will be finished. I like the story, I like the characters, I like the different tone it has compared to some of my other works. 

The superhero comic is definitely going to start as well at some point. Not sure if it'll be this month. One big change though: it'll focus almost exclusively on Vanessa/Hailey. It'll just be a ton of muscularity, feats of strength, invulnerability and other powers thrown together in a very varied way. It is something that I feel will allow me to take another big step forward into creating more variety and more different techniques (mostly in the area of destruction and powers like laser eyes). For me it'll be interesting and challenging as a creator. I hope for you guys it'll be a lot of fun to watch sexy girls bend steel, kick cars, melt walls and rip buildings out of the ground :)

I'm going to work my ass off to get the next comic out this month. Anna's continuation is also long overdue..

And lastly: thank you all for your continued support of course! If you do ever have any worries or ideas or feedback or anything, make sure to always leave a comment or send me a message! I read all of them quite closely even if I do not reply!


Elek Szerep

I love the Lexi comic and I cant wait for the next parts. I think Lee is just taking off. That superhero comic sounds amazing. That 4 working days news sounds awersome :)

Elek Szerep

But to be honest I dont think there is enough muscle growth comic out there :)

Bernard Phillips

OK, there's somebody else stories. But then there's your stories with your characters..speaking of characters..WHERE IS MY IVANA.🤨.That's what I'm waiting on🤔🤔🤔


1) Second the motion for more Ivana. I believe she is my favorite character of yours thus far. Limitless possibilities for her. 2) I am a huge fan of most of your work, but personally I don't know how to process Lee/Lexi. Not as strong as some, not as big as some, not as dominant as some - more half-measures of all of the above. It's still amazing art, but just not a story that captures me like some of your others. 3) Hear hear for the superheroes! The stronger the better! Can't wait to see what your amazing imagination comes up with for them to lift, crush, and break. Thanks so much for all!


The Lexi comic has the best story from all your content while also being more realistic. Sadly there was a lot of build up between Lexi and Jessie which ended up going nowhere. Some action would certainly please more people. I hope you continue Lexi's adventures in some way or another as it is a nice change of pace from your other short content (excluding the Hannah universe of course) which is mostly action with less story. And a thrid for Ivana getting some time in the spotlight.


1) There will definitely be more of her! She will start playing a more pronounced role real soon! 2) Fair enough. I suppose they are indeed "half measures" if you put it that way. It does indeed focus a lot more on their emotional flaws rather then their physical superiority at times. I like to think of it as a bit of moderation between all the large and sometimes dominating muscle girls. Let's just agree we'll do a little bit of everything until Lee and Lexi are done. I will most likely replace the Wednesday post with the superhero comics then. 3) Tools! Weapons! Weights! Cars! Tanks! Trains! Planes! Ships! Buildings! Crush them all!


I suppose I am taking it a bit slow with the relation between Lexi and Rachel, putting a bit too much emphasis on the build up. I can assure you however that it is definitely leading up to a explosive release soon! Ivana is definitely coming up!


The comics of lee and lexi are very interesting. It will certainly be very interesting to see the development of the relationship with her friend and maybe that her muscles still grow ... Lee instead will be interesting to see what she is capable of .. But I can't wait to see the super heroine in action to see his incredible strength and his ability to develop muscles just to flex them..


I will probably first finish up Lexi and Lee and then start the superhero comics!


I wanted to congratulate you on the frequency of updates and news you share. Compared to others you really are on another level. Hope you can take the time to share these great stories with us.

Kim Danver

For my part, it's a very good news to learn that you will start a comic featuring super strong women in action, especially Hailey ! Can't wait to see sexy women lifting trucks, crushing tanks and doing many feats of strength like that and I'm so impatient to see what's next in the rest of Hailey's story.


Thanks! If it's up to me I will make as much time as possible to create new content!


Glad to hear! I have just today finished up Vanessa's costume.. so expect a little early showcase of the superhero stuff soon!