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Hakes really is a misogynistic asshole ain't he? Let's find out how Lee fares in the showers..




Damn, this chapter is quite the bomb in regards of plot progress! But first I must drop one of my favourite trek scenes because I was heavily reminded of it with this comic post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4A-Ml8YHyM The helmet thing just seems like a small bureaucratic screw up and yet the likely very undeserved punishment seems utterly insane between the time loss of digging and filling her backpack and afterwards catching up to her comrades with that extra weight. Of course, Lee manages it with her downright heroic physique, but that damn drill sergeant seriously managed to make the situation even worse by extending their task and far more importantly, setting up everyone against her! And finally, to add salt to the wound, that demotion request after her valid complaints about separate barracks. Seriously, if she lost her calm for a second after all the shit this guy pulled off, he would be done for and at least Lee would have earned that demotion or rather being expelled or even worse. Mad respect for Lee mostly silently enduring all of this and I really hope the next post will have a small victory like the others realising how ridiculous and unfair that sergeant acts towards her. Honestly, I am so annoyed, I have a hard time to enjoy Lee wearing nothing but a bath robe or the prospect of her stripping nude. Well, of course I still have some favourite pages like page 31. I know the situation is very serious and extremely unfair to Lee, but I can’t deny I have chuckled a bit at this view. She might be fully clothed but even a blind person would notice the sheer physical gap between those two and yet the smaller person is ordering the other around despite the fact she could snap him in half … and after all this bullshit he pulled off, he certainly deserved some karmic retribution. Page 33 is simple great. It’s in the middle of the night, everyone is running for hours, Lee is probably some distant memory since everyone were sweating their ass off and yet there she is in the red back light of the truck. And the best part? She still has the same determined expression she keeps showing thought the whole comic despite the darkness making it a bit hard to see. Damn, we were so close to having a more positive direction for Lee’s story in page 34 but I guess the comic has to keep remaining true to the battle part of its title. Drill sergeant is actually showing a glimpse of his inner thoughts and doubts to Lee here instead of acting in his usual yelling ass hole superior role since Lee managed to overcome another insane task. But I have the feeling, that guy is the kind of person who took Lee’s satisfied but small grin in the worst way possible. I mean she fully deserved to show some self-satisfaction, but it probably pulled the drill sergeant back to his regular self in instant and even double down on it for now. God, I hate people like the drill sergeant with such personalities in real life. They just make everything worse for everyone. And of course, 39 is fantastic too. Her massive arms look absolutely gigantic and bulge all over the place even when relaxed, her robe reveals her rectangular man shaming pectorals, waiting behind her perky and huge tits while her legs remind me of a tree with their sheer girth and rippedness and yet all that exist in contrast to her vulnerable and worried stance and expression. She is supposed to smash records apart and inspire others with her feats and sheer will, but that fucking drill sergeant turned everything to the worse for her now. Damn, the wait for next part will be terrible since I really want to see more and hopefully watch how Lee turns things around.


Lee is super strong and beautiful she will show him women are just as good and capable as a male soldier, Just ask Zoe muscle queen from DA. And a fave of mine.