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So yeah.. this is how Belle and Jessy met! Jessy is definitely not used to being used like this.. since she's generally stronger then most people she meets! She will definitely have to admit to herself that she actually likes it.. a lot..




That’s some good clothing morphs!

Elek Szerep

just perfect, very nice story :)


Finally, an origin story for the two latest additions of my favourite characters group and to make it even better, it combines two of my favourite aspects of the muscle women fetish too. Lovely amazons working out and pumping their mighty muscles and of course sexy time. I admit I was still a bit surprised how blunt Belle would be despite the first two chapters making clear what kind of women she is. With her insane body, she can and more importantly will take whatever she wants but with Jessy’s submissive personality in contrast to her own ripped and huge body, they both scored a jackpot by finding each other. That last page was a pretty big shocker too after my surprise calmed down a little with the fun time between Belle and Jessy. Makes me very curious what kind of message or picture or even both, Belle will leave behind. Maybe a selfie of her wonderful self and Jessys still erect dick or a close up of Belles face and cleavage? Well, I am already hyped for the next part now. 😅 Since I do not have much else to say, I will just talk about my favourite pages now like the first one once again. Belle made me chuckle here by lifting such a massive weight, it bends under its own weight and yet her attention is focused somewhere else while the most ridiculous thought process happens there too. Three, I repeat three small thought bubbles to conclude finding and determining her next girlfriend … or rather fuck partner. Jessy is quiet the sight too, especially those thighs look huge here and even compelled me to watch the difference between them and Belles which was smaller than expected since Belle is far superior everywhere else. Maybe all the thrusting movements she need to do to satisfy her dick, serves as natural extra training for her lower half. 😛 Damn, I just love page 2. I only rarely have a clear winner which is why I mention so many pages in all my comments but this one is a rare exception. Close up shoot of both big women and while Jessy is very impressive, Belle is just on another level, which includes strength too and she just takes that weight away with a single arm while giving Jessy the most beautiful smile she has shown so far in all three comics or their pin up. Then you have abs on par with the insanely shredded Lee, a massive torso and insanely thick and defined arms with nearly no equal except maybe Victoria and the most extreme ladies from the various posts you have given us so far over the last year while her tits likely surpass Joys and again Victorias too, only for one of the hottest and cutest faces to sit on top of that insane package of a body which Belle possess. Funnily enough, this very same thing happened in their first comic too, but it feels so much impactful here since this is obviously the first time for Jessy at least since it’s safe to assume that Belle showed off like that towards other women too in the past and the chosen angle of this page helps immensely too. From a neutral view showing both in equal measure with some distance to the scene in part 1 to a close up shoot of both girls with a far better view on Belle since the focus is obviously on her here since she made the first move. In the meantime, her spoken words are as direct as her thoughts by approaching Jessy like that, taking away her massive weight like a childs toy and asking the most basic question possible and one you would ask when someone has time and is not focused on lifting a possible 3 digit number of kilos. Page 3 and 4 continues this scene nicely with Belle moving on from a regular question to such a ridiculous demand as a kiss from a complete stranger but as I said before, with such a body it is honestly no longer weird anymore … somewhat if we use might makes right logic. Page 5 went even further and actually felt off at first for me but using the previous mentioned saying, it no longer does anymore, and it is not like my suspension of disbelief was complete broken in the first place anyway. Belle is huge, strong and mostly importantly dominant and what she wants is up to the liking of Jessy too, especially when looking her instantly hard becoming trouser snake here. The next page gives us an amazing shoot of both of them, but especially Jessy this time. I praised her thighs before, compared their sizes in my mind in most pages showing both of them at the same time and here we get another awesome view of them And since I am talking about size here, there is obviously the true main focus on this page: Her literally forearm sized dick. Belle might be a juggernaut of a woman but that is a lot of flesh there and still amazes how she can take that thing, especially since this comic goes even further than the first two. Well, obviously page 7 must be mentioned by me too after telling my love for hand free tit jobs in the Jeniffer comic comment and this time not even her biceps have to pushed into her tits to engulf and massage Jessys dick. Jessy going full crazy from Belle’s direct approach thought the whole sequence is a nice touch too. Too submissive to speak up but still the thoughts have to happen nonetheless and in quick and rapid succession since Belle goes further and further in each new page. And then comes page 8 along. She finally breaks with that first “but” in the second bubble. With her shredded and big body, she is likely seen as dominant amazon by most people too, but Belle finally made her start admitting her true submissive. Stronger and more muscular than 99% of all men, hung as horse and somehow even more virile and yet she is submissive unlike most buff alpha futas, including your other characters like Anna or Ellie. And well, the view on Belle is fantastic here too. Speaking of views on the massive and beautiful Belle, page 10 delivers there too. Your signature pose, the slightly below angle making her look even more impressive and as bonus, Jessys insane lower half is featured here too. Holy shit, the pages 11 and 12 give us the most impressive move between those two women. They just let good old gravity do the work for them by having Belle slide down on that monster penis. I know it is rude to talk about the weight of a lady but thank god that Jessy is shredded herself too because Belle must weight a ton (Well not a literal ton of course, more like 125-150 kg) with her sheer amount of muscles. Hell, her bobbies alone probably need to be measured in kilograms since anything smaller is insufficient. In the meantime, Jessy placing her hands on her face because of a mixture of pleasure and pain is a fantastic sight too. One can only image the sheer power between Belle’s vaginal muscles and Jessy’s baby maker despite those being weak body parts. That fucking aftermath scene in page 13. Fully nude Belle and half nude Jessy with her cock standing at full attention, cum flowing sideways down in a public place like a gym. Based on the exclamation marks, I assume Belle even yelled or at least spoke her declaration quite loud for everyone to hear and not just Jessy. That woman gives truly zero fucks and probably would enjoy if everyone looks at them, assuming it was somehow possible to not notice or at least ignore them. The last page goes even further with the sheer absurdity which is Belle by having her intrude Jessy’s privacy like that for something such trivial. Well, it is banal compared to possible thievery or other things one could do with a stolen phone except it is not being taken by Belle and instead she just leaves a freaking message on a supposed closed or locked phone. The sheer contrast between the absolutely dominant and downright silly horny Belle and the surprisingly submissive Jessy is really entertaining and I really hope they keep winning more polls, especially since their last poor performance worried me with them being at the last place until more voters barely pushed them to the fourth one.