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Now.. it's very, very rare I make one of these posts. But as a exception I would like to make one.

One thing that has plagued my models from the very start is the arm pits, and most notably the lack of lateral muscles when they are raised. This has been mentioned by different people on different occassions and I have always agreed with this.

I've been bashing my head against this issue for quite a while now.. more hours then I'd be willing to admit.. but I finally managed to scrape together all the information necessary to fix it..

This is honestly only the first iteration.. and it's going to take a considerable amount of work to fix it further and make it look even better.. but I'm just happy I got a grasp of the basics..

Ok.. sorry.. i'll go back to making content now :P




I've been in the same boat with this, and there is a point where you add so much muscle that it just looks odd in that area. The lat should be pushing out to the arm. Your fix looks great, I've been using Mesh Grabber to do quick fixes in Daz. But keep thinking Zbrush is the way to go to really fix this.


Yeah I've used Blender for this now, honestly does the same thing in the end of course. The real challenge ahead is making it look good and realistic at every size and making it automatic when they raise their arms. Still a long way to go :) Good call on Mesh Grabber btw.. seems like a interesting product!


It's really handy for things like clothing fits, too. Oh and you can shape a really good bicep peak with it.