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Who knew? I spelled dinner wrong all the time!

Even though the girls have a great night with Amy eventually Victoria and Emma clash again.. and it's really starting to hurt Hannah.. she really wants to fix it.. but how..?

I did try to really go with the "show don't tell" idea here again. And am also trying to make the cover look a bit more appealing / less amateurish. But I'll need to take some time to make a proper cover.

Anyways.. hope you guys enjoy it! Next up is the gym comic.. it's going to be very interesting.. and a little more NSFW as well :)

But first just a little break.. will probably start on the comic next week!



I. Nobes

Love the whole "slice of life" aspect to this. Nothing crazy, expect the obvious lol. I hope one day Emma just gets bigger than her sisters to put them in their place haha. Maybe a what if comic?


Perhaps, one day. Would first like to solve the relation between the sisters in a bit more "slice of life" but very amazonian way :)


Fantastic short comic, easily my new favourite of their series! Sisterly interactions and squabbles, a naïve and cute guest, tons of eye candy for a supposedly sfw comic but everything got the added twist of everyone being a huge and curvy amazon. While I obviously like big and grand stories, just some good old slice of life with low stakes is very welcome too. Especially since all of it is very relatable and realistic despite being under the layer of ripped superhumans and in fact, that layer makes it incredible refreshing since there is no shortage of more casual stores either. Very glad to see more of Emma too and I already look forward to the next main comic since her, the lovely Hannah and cute Amy are the confirmed main characters there. A teen going thought puberty and it appears even when she is not emotionally charged, she is a highly active and outgoing person … but she can also lift a ton and can knock out adult men easily, either with physical strength but no doubt with charm and her beautiful appearance too. Of course, compared to her older sisters, her strength still pales but it does nonetheless supercharge the usual sisterly conflicts and teen troubles and the fact said sisters had their own superstrength enhanced teenage phases with all kinds of possible issues, creates a far more interesting version of the usual topic of growing into adulthood. On top of it, she is easily one of your best-looking characters so far and this comic gave us tons of awesome shoots of her unlike the previous comic installations which were more focused on Victoria and Hannah. Speaking of Hannah, I am glad the end of this comic confirms she is going to take a more active role now since things are starting to escalate too much and souring an otherwise wholesome mood. I even felt a bit annoyed how everyone smiles went away after a wonderful dinner scene, followed with Emma and Victoria lashing out against each other and the latter against Hannah too again. You created some really compelling characters if I get emotionally invested like that. Of course, not only the stories and characters are awesome but so is the art too. The teasers over the past weeks were already very promising and yet the comics got even better scenes like the whole escalator beginning. I admit Victoria is the one I like the least of the sisterly trio but the pages 2 and 3 were hilarious because of her. No doubt the only fat found in Emma are in her huge breasts but when you are a growing teen, she still took her elder sister by word and even poor Hannah is not spared from a non-serious and relaxed big sister. Holy shit, that page 4 made my mouth drop a little too. I know the door frame is much smaller than the space which the escalator offers but for a moment I thought she took the whole room for herself. And damn, it should be illegal to have so many beautiful ladies at once in one page, especially from so close up since you might cause heart attacks with such a lethal dose of booty and legs from the sisters and nearly all of Amy’s body is on full display too. In the meantime, that huge grin and “Hi Hannah” is a nice reminder of the sheer disparity of Amy’s insane physique and her young and unexperienced age. The pages 5 and 6 are a nice finisher to a strong opening. Look at that Emma, under any other circumstance she would be the source of people shamelessly staring but even her an amazon like her is forced to do it herself at such a ridiculous sight. I am not even sure the word ridiculous does any justice here anymore. A nice and comfy penthouse entrance and yet there is a person so damn tall, she has to walk hunched while the more “reasonable” amazons can move without restrictions there. And not only is she tall, but her physique is also nearly unmatched too and neither Emma nor Hannah are exactly slouches in regards of their body and only Victora, who used to be the most buff person on the planet before Amy’s sudden transformation can compare or even surpass her if their heights were adjusted to each other. Pages like 9 and 10 are the reason why I like slice of life so much. A simple, silly but yet funny scene. Page 9 gives us Emma radiating pure energy, Hannah being the most normal person like always, an annoyed oldest sister in form of Victoria and Amy barely wins in cuteness against Emma. Good question Hannah and it only furthers add into the fun of imaging how and or rather where Amy stored that pussy. The short exchange between Hannah and Emma in page 10 is just fantastic too since even the cool and controlled Hannah must drop her guard from time to time. In the meantime, Amy acting like a cute and apologetic little girl remains entertaining too, especially since it is actually the truth under her shell of muscles and curves. … damn, cat. Not only do the men in your stories make me jealous, even a cat does it now by having such a great seat by being on top of Emma’s tits. Amy sharing her absurd experiences with Hannah like in the page 12 is turning into a nice running gag too. The stuff which happens towards or because of Hannah are already insane like lifting and even moving a furniture truck or throwing huge boulders as exercise and would cause such thought bubbles in the average person but instead an amazon like Hannah has do it when faced with the downright surreal Amy. … that page 15. I like how even in their imagination, Amy became a cat person now with those damn sleeping clothes. Also, going straight for the worst-case scenario in an otherwise wholesome story is quite funny too. The pages 18 and 19 finally begin the Emma heavy section of the comic. When you are so damn ripped and on top of it, possess super human like capacities instead of just peak human ones, it must be hard to resist to utilize it, especially when you are such an energetic goofball. Also, about page 19, I am not sure if that kind of parenting is Victoria’s usual method or a rarer one. Obviously, Emma herself is the main source of her own troubles but Victoria only seems to add fuel to the fire right now … but was it because of too lax treatment in the beginning like shown in this page and later on doing a 180 arc flip like near the end of the comic or does she act like the latter all the time and this more controlled and yet firm handling of Emma is rare and would be in fact the correct choice to handle Emma. Welp, we just received 40 pages of awesome ladies and yet I already crave for more. 😅 I reread the comic a few times, but I still can not decide if the escalator scene or Emma lifting Amy, starting from page 21 is my overall favourite of this comic. Emma, with a big damn smile on her face just unapologetically inquiring about Amy’s weight made me chuckle. Both are late teens; both are ripped amazons and yet they are so different in their personality. Amy, actually replying instead of acting a little bit offended like in the construction comic might be a sign that Emma is truly radiating with energy and life and it spreads into other people. The pages 23 and 24 are just grandiose. The around 2-meter-tall Emma would just reach Amy’s naval if the former would stand straight and yet she is going to do something insane even for someone of her huge size. Good thing she is not a regular human and the way how she casually lifts the over a half ton heavy Amy is a nice reminder of the former fact and I hope the gym comic continues to remember us of that since I feel like Emma is far less popular than she should be. The pages 28 and 30 really show Emma and Victoria are sisters without having them clash with each other over something which Emma did, only for Victoria to do something similar stupid and likely did it too when she was of Emma’s age. Stripping Amy in a blink of an eye and wandering off while Emma does not slow down either when removing her own shirt feels quite similar and I have the feeling the sisters would do what the other sibling did too if they swapped places and ages. The restaurant idea lost the weekly poll but page 34 or just the whole dinner scene are a nice consolation prize. Look at that amazing wide back and massive arms in page 34 or her stacked and ripped frontside in page 35 and tell me it does not make you slightly regret of that weekly idea not happening. And while the top half nude Amy is the one being served, no doubt there would be girls like her working there too in case Emma is somehow still too small for your taste. Page 42 is fantastic too even if it or rather page 41 begins the mood souring part of the story. What Emma did in page 41 is stupid and if her sisters were not hulking behemoths themselves, even a bit dangerous since there is likely tons of power behind that throw but Victoria had to undermine her lesson before even starting it, by causing further damage to Hannah’s apartment. A great short comic and was the wait time more than worth it but at the time, I still want more. 😅 Gyms are already one of my favourite locations, but this exciting story line makes me even more hyped for the big main comic and of the story which happen beyond that of course.